Major rain event

This current system is finally bringing more precip after another long dry period. I've got about 2/3 of an inch in my rain gauge this morning and it's still coming down. Hopefully, this will douse the many fires in the southern Appalachians as well as chase off all those red dots in SEPA. Might even be time to do some small stream trout fishing in the mountains.

Yep, looks like we can get a little water into the ground before it freezes. Still a fraction of what's needed but it's a start. The spine of the Appalachian mountains needs the water badly.

Northern Maine is to get 2' of snow out of this!!
This would've been nice to have at least once this summer lol!
Almost all of today was a good steady soaking rain , not the fast downpours that tend to run off. Tomorrow is supposed to be much the same. Just what many of our streams needed. Now, we just need more of them.
A general 1-2" and stream, for today, are in great shape again......finally! There's chance of a good rain next sunday into Monday and hopefully that rings true. Reinforcing rain is exactly what we need right now before it gets too cold.
We'll have a few more rainstorms in the next few weeks finally. The storms are finally tapping into the Gulf of Mexico moisture - that connection had been shut off completely the past few months. 3" in chester county in the past two days according to my parents :)
The meteorologists had been missing it over her, just over the line in Ohio. We would maybe get a little bit of drizzle when they were talking about all day rain. They did get the snow event right a week or two ago, but beyond that, we hadn't been getting what was forecasted.

As of yesterday, many of the streams were low and clear.

That said, we finally got a fast moving, but pretty heavy rain last night and it was headed East! There were some pretty high winds along with it, but I didn't see any damage before leaving for work.

Looking at the USGS map on this website, it appears that most of PA got some needed relief. I mean compared to same map yesterday.

Glad to see that.

They've missed it here on the rain all summer and fall.
Penns Creek finally got above 70 CFS. Amazing how all the rain missed them this year, but still stupid low....

Edit: Just saw the post above me, I should read before posting!!!

Dan yeah if was a real tough summer to see penns like this I walked the stream a lot and fish it from weikart to Coburn just seemed so surreal.

Yep finally bumped up a little I'll take anything.
Just got back yesterday from NCPA and eyeballed some of the streams up there on Fri, Sat & Sun. Pine Creek, Slate Run, Cedar Run, Little Pine Creek, Stony Fork and Asaph Run all had nice flows. Judging from the bent grass on streamsides most were just over their banks but not too far and are now back in their banks. Too bad I didn't have my rod and gear instead of my rifle. I may have been more successful!

But I did score a NOS Sage SLT 865 at McConnell's in Waterville on the way home! Couldn't believe my good luck.