Mahoning Creek Opening Day - Lehighton



Nov 29, 2017
I woke up early yesterday to join in on the opening day tradition and headed out to Mahoning Creek in the Lehighton park.

I got there around 6am and there were already over a dozen other vehicles in the parking lot. I like to be an early bird as some of the fun to me is watching everyone gather and talk while getting gear ready for the 8am opener. To my surprise nobody was at the spot I picked out for my wife and I to enjoy the morning festivities so we gathered our gear and placed it out stream side to secure our position. My wife rested in the car staying warm and i wandered the bank and talked to a few others out there waiting in anticipation for 8am to get there. The closer it got to 8, the more fishermen showed up and by the opening bell the parking lot was full and everyone seemed to be ready to cast away. While my wife cannot fly fish due to some past surgeries, I decided to tie on a wooly bugger and give it a go.

As 8am arrived we all cast in and I was able to get the 1st fish in the area we were fishing and proceeded to catch fish after fish for the next hour. The water and temperature was perfect for this opener and everyone seemed to have a good time. After about 30 minutes of non stop action and drawing quite a bit of attention to the hole I was fishing, others gathered to watch me fish and of course there were those who moved in so they to could get a cast into the hole I was fishing. I continued to have a great time and caught more fish than I could count releasing most to be caught another day but I did keep a few for the dinner table as my wife and I enjoy a trout dinner every now and then. I met a lot of nice guys out there and made a new fishing friend (Nick). My wife and I packed it up at 9:30 and headed home after a great morning on the water.

Tight Lines !!


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Good story! That can be a busy place and congrats on the success!