
Don't know if anyone mentioned this yet but if you do find a tick and remove it yourself (tick twisters work well) save the tick in a medicine bottle or something and take it to the doctor with you. county health departments can examine the tick to see what kind it is and also test the tick to see if it is carrying the borelia bacteria.
I’ve battled Lyme since the early ‘90’s with 4 major recurrences during the first 12 years (about every 3 years or so). I have an extreme high exposure to deer ticks with my job and the part of the state that I work in. Bear in mind the onset of my contracting Lyme was at the time when you walked into a doctors office and mentioned Lyme and they kind of looked at you with that “yeah, right” look. The turning point for me was the day I was trying to explain to them how many deer ticks I actually come in contact with and I just happened to feel one crawling up the back of my neck. I reached back, plucked it off and flopped the little critter onto the counter in the office that day. That episode pretty much has my medical chart giving me a free pass for a 21 day prescription of Doxycycline any time I walk in the office and ask for it. However, the awareness level of Lyme disease and its symptoms are miles ahead of that these days. Don’t wait to address any symptoms for any reason. Any delay in the possibility of starting antibiotics is not in your best interest. It is nothing to screw around with, so Pat I too recommend that you see a doc as soon as you can.

Thanks for bringing this thread back to the top, Swattie. It is critically important to heighten the awareness on the forum.
dc410 wrote:
The turning point for me was the day I was trying to explain to them how many deer ticks I actually come in contact with and I just happened to feel one crawling up the back of my neck. I reached back, plucked it off and flopped the little critter onto the counter in the office that day.

Now that's hard core! :-o