LRSA Becker's first fly



Dec 29, 2008
H.A. and LRSABecker stopped by for a tying session tonight...and LRSABecker tied his first ever fly! An estaz bugger (below)

He looks to be well on his way to the wonderful world of fly tying...a whole new level of satisfaction awaits him when he catches his first fish on his own tie. Congrats Becker!


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looks better than my first fly but so did the one that davids daughter tied....
Hey trow - maybe we should have told him not to sniff the head cement. It was a real shame to have to put him in that straight jacket and sedate him. ;-)

IMHO - he's ready to start weaving! :lol:
He's ready for the steelhead jam with that!
Nice job!
Definitely impressive even for the most seasoned tyer.
The whole purpose for our little tying session was to help get Becker and trowpa ready for the Steelhead Jam.

Becker isn't your typical newbie. He's a very experienced fisherman that just recently "evolved" into flyfishing. His learning curve is absolutely ballistic. Show him something once, and he's got it down pat.

Before last night, he'd never even wrapped thread on a hook. By the end of the night, he was whip finishing with a Matarelli tool, using the true rotary feature of his vise to wrap materials evenly, and he mastered tying perfectly round globugs. He even figured out how to add a blood dot entirely by himself. Several perfect size 14 globugs - done entirely by him. He cranked out a few of those crystal buggers all by himself, too.

Scary good. We've created a monster. :-o
Seriously, I can't look at him and not think of Chastity Bono... You have created a monster!
Let's just say he's a new man. :lol:

Since you are now called "Jerry", maybe we should call him "Chaz".
Thanks guys for the kind words. I had a lot of fun tying last night and really enjoyed the skill it takes to do this hobby. I might not be ready to weave just yet but I am very eager to learn to do everything. The thing that is scaring myself is, when I got home from the tying session all I wanted to do was tie more, but I was so tired and the wife was bugging me to go to bed.
So laying in bed all I could think of was how I was going to create some new stuff. I wanted to go downstairs and just start mixing colors of Chenille and Marabou to make a Michael Jackson Crystal Bugger. Salmon Nuke Eggs with some Krystal flash. I know all these things have been tried and probably will not work but I just want to experiment. I find myself totally addicted!
Very nice flies Becker. I have only been tying for a short while myself, and the flies you did put mine to shame. I, for some unknown reason can only tie flies between size 16 and size 24. I basically tie lots of Brassies, Midge imitations, and junk flies (Egg patterns, Green Weenies, and San Juan's). I've been trying to tie more streamers, but either end up with too much "stuff" or not enough. Good job and keep up the good work.
Oh Oh you guys have gone and done it now!
Poor lad is being lead to the dark side now.
Ed , to finish him off you need to get hooked up with uncle ED!!!!
