


New member
May 12, 2008
I have a small window to fish Loyalhanna (new waters) I'm staying in Latrobe. Any suggestions as to where to fish and what I should expect?
Most assuredly it is very low and very warm. I would leave what ever trout may be left in it alone for the time being. There are smallmouth especially as you get closer to Latrobe.
You'll be not very far from the youghiogheny river tail race. Water temps will be in the 50's, and plenty of stocked fish around.
That would be my choice during this hot dry spell
Yea, like the others are saying, it's in bad shape. Low and warm. I stopped at the DHALO two weeks ago just to look around and it's the worst I've saw it since I've been fishing in that area. It's been high 80's, low 90's, with maybe two flash thunderstorms since then. I'd be surprised if any were still alive. The Yough is your best bet. It'll be crowded with people in the same predicament but it is what it is. Or go to one of the many local public lakes and try for bass and panfish.

The yough is at least 45 minutes away. You could try keystone lake for bass- 15-20 minutes. Also, Donegal Lake or four mile run for bass- 20 minutes. You also could fish near Legion-Keener park in downtown Latrobe and follow the bike path along and fish for bass. Waters too warm for trout now.
I fished Loyalhanna below the dam near Saltsburg today. It's low, clear, and completely wet wadeable now. I saw a good many smallmouth and a bunch of active, mudding carp. A lot were big steelhead sized carp too. I ended up getting a couple small (8-9") smallies to hand on a big rubber leg stonefly nymph. Missed the hook set on a decent carp with the same nymph. Had one nice smallmouth (15" range) follow a streamer a few times. This was the heat of the day, bright sun. I'm sure it'd fish better in the evening. I would highly recommend fishing it. I know I'll be back there, probably tomorrow evening.