Low & Clear a film by Finback Films in Kickstarter

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Tyler Hughen, Kahlil Hudson and Alex Jabonski of Finback Films have taken on a fly fishing film project and looking for some help to complete the project. Their letter below shares their plans. More details about the project can be found on Kickstarter.

Dear Friends,

As many of you know Low & Clear has been a labor of love that’s been a long time in coming to fruition. It has always been a very personal project, and one we’ve had a hard time letting go of creatively.

The good news is, the film is done and we want to share it, however, there are significant costs associated with releasing a film of this caliber, and we are flat broke. Up to this point we have self funded the shooting, editing, music composition, sound mix and professional color correction that has allowed us to produce the HDCAM that has been screening at film festivals.

Moving forward, we have set our goal for exactly what we need to release and self-distribute the film on DVD and Itunes.

We want to be as transparent as possible, here’s what we need the money for:

MUSIC LICENSING: $11,500. [This is far and away our biggest fundraising challenge. The film is filled with original score by Doug Major, but there are a handful of songs that we cannot live without. These licensing fees are what we have to pay to the recording artists to use their songs.]


DOLBY 5.1 SURROUND MIX: $1000 [Sounds great, but also a requisite for acceptance to iTunes streaming.]



Total: 15,500

If you’re unfamiliar with Kickstarter–HERE’S HOW IT WORKS. If you choose to pledge an amount–a hold is put on your card with Amazon for that amount. If our target goal is reached by the end of the 30 day campaign, your card will be charged and your reward will be shipped. If we don’t hit our goal, nobody’s card will be charged, and the project will not be funded. Basically it’s all or nothing!

We’ve brought the film a long way – we premiered at SXSW, where we won an Audience Award and the film continues to screen at prestigious film festivals around the world including Hot Docs, Camden International, True/False, Dallas International, and Telluride MountainFilm, and upcoming film festivals we’ll be announcing soon.

People from all walks of life have been connecting with Low & Clear, and some nice reviews can be found here, here and here.

Our biggest goal is to get DVD’s out asap to the fans that have been patiently waiting. If our kickstarter campaign is successful, Low and Clear will be widely available–but reserving a copy now will put the first print run in your hands. Needless to say, the support is more than appreciated. We’ve poured our heart and souls into making this film, funded it by selling cars and maxing out credit cards, and with your help we hope to share this film with as many folks as possible.

Thanks for your time,

Tyler Hughen
Kahlil Hudson
Alex Jabonski

Looks good.

I like the premise, depending on the personalities it could make for a very interesting flick. Definitely a topic or theme in fishing that is always present and just below the surface.

Good Luck!
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Looks good.

I like the premise, depending on the personalities it could make for a very interesting flick. Definitely a topic or theme in fishing that is always present and just below the surface.

Good Luck!
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Looks good.

I like the premise, depending on the personalities it could make for a very interesting flick. Definitely a topic or theme in fishing that is always present and just below the surface.

Good Luck!
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looks like an interesting enough flick, the bearded character in the movie (JT) is son of the late, great Townes Van Zandt, one of the greatest (if not THE greatest) songwriter ever, sorry dylan fans. The other fellow seems a bit mad, think we all have seen both those kinds of personalities on the stream
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looks like an interesting enough flick, the bearded character in the movie (JT) is son of the late, great Townes Van Zandt, one of the greatest (if not THE greatest) songwriter ever, sorry dylan fans. The other fellow seems a bit mad, think we all have seen both those kinds of personalities on the stream
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looks like an interesting enough flick, the bearded character in the movie (JT) is son of the late, great Townes Van Zandt, one of the greatest (if not THE greatest) songwriter ever, sorry dylan fans. The other fellow seems a bit mad, think we all have seen both those kinds of personalities on the stream
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I was wondering if any one knows of a fly fishing club/ rod and gun club near spring creek or penns creek in state colleg pa. Its my dads bday soon and he loves fly fishing, so I was thinking i would join him in one of these clubs.

Please respond ASAP
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I was wondering if any one knows of a fly fishing club/ rod and gun club near spring creek or penns creek in state colleg pa. Its my dads bday soon and he loves fly fishing, so I was thinking i would join him in one of these clubs.

Please respond ASAP
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I was wondering if any one knows of a fly fishing club/ rod and gun club near spring creek or penns creek in state colleg pa. Its my dads bday soon and he loves fly fishing, so I was thinking i would join him in one of these clubs.

Please respond ASAP
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Pretty accurate timeline. On one point though-there is absolutely no evidence that the brook trout in Big spring are THE native ones. Yes, they, like the rainbows, are streambred. That does not make them native. When the BS hatchery closed there were VERY few brook trout in the stream. PF&BC has been stocking brook trout exclusively in the reaches of Big Spring below Nealey Road since before the hatchery closed and the survivors do move upstream. Big Spring has been stocked with various trout including brook trout since the late 19th century. About ten years ago the Fly Fisher Club of Harrisburg planted Vibert boxes in the stream containing eggs from a HYBRID strain of northern brook trout that Ernie Schweibert obtained for them. Almost all of the eggs hatched and significant numbers of YOY brookies were found in that area the next summer during electro fishing surveys. What happened to them later is unkown. This year PF&BC stocked brookies at least three times and they were also stocked by a private entity at least once. SO wild brookies/wild rainbows. Neither "native". Which ones are most valuable or do they BOTH hold considerable value?
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When examined in this light, should the rainbows be extirpated from Big Spring? It appears the heritage strain is long since gone and who is to say the brook trout being stocked there now are really suited for the stream? Why are hatchery brook fingerlings being used? I would suggest collecting eggs from the resident brook trout population similar to what is being done with the Erie steelhead, raising to fingerling size, then releasing. Maybe others can comment on the feasibility of accomplishing this task. I know Wisconsin has a program fashioned in this manner. Seems like if there is truly an interest in restoring the brook trout fishery, this would be the way to go. After all those Big Spring reproducing brook trout have demonstrated the ability to spawn in the current stream conditions.
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Nothing like some golden trout from the Kern river. *There might be another reason I want to fish the Kern river too.*
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I did Alaska, and I'll be back there sooner than later. But Kamchatka and mouse eating trout are top of my list.
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I moved from Pennsylvania several decades ago and I always enjoy coming back to fish the North Central region. If I had to pick outside of PA I would consider New England - Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont - or Eastern Canada.
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I would love to fish the Seychelles for giant bonefish and milkfish or get dropped into totally off the grid south island NZ streams via helicopter. Maybe I could do a Fund Me on social media??
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Northern Nevada for a Humboldt cutthroat trout in the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest.

Olympic National Park in WA for native coastal cutthroat.

If possible, Silver King Creek, a headwater tributary of the Carson River in the Sierra Nevada CA for native Paiute Cutthroat.
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GT's or Golden Dorado for me go big or go home.


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