Lost fly box on Penns Creek near cherry run



New member
May 31, 2022
I lost my fly box last night crossing the Penns creek near cherry run. it is a blue clear on both sides box with about 200 dry flies in it. I am hoping if anyone finds it, then can return it. By the way how I lost it, I slipped on a rock and fell in I try to dive for it but missed, my waders filled up enough to make walking tough. I did bring a life preserver for around my waist and was glad I had it if I needed it. Also from now on I will make sure I have studs on my boots. Also glad I was with someone else, walking at night on the creek. Flies were in full force last evening did well on Caddis emergers before evening hatch then sulfurs were out but couldn’t catch any on them, I caught a couple on Cahills, then looked like slate drakes, and caught couple on them, before switching to the yellow female green drakes. We had a blast! if it wasn’t for my lost fly box!