lost fishing spot



Sep 21, 2006
Today, coming back from trout fishing I passed my favorite farm pond, which has some big bluegills and bass and saw a no fishing sign. I stopped and talked to the owner, who had a open door policy for fishing. He told me lots of trouble last season with the people he let fish, stealing, trash disrespect etc. I left with a maybe stop back later and I will let you know if you can fish. Another sad tale of idiot abuse.
Sorry to hear that Lou, but at least there is hope.

I'd let you fish here, but it's a long drive, and you would have to watch out for the bull. ;-)

I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. I was able to fish a farm pond with lots of bluegills and some real large bass. There was also about a half mile of a trout stream through the property that I could also fish. I went the one year after the new year to ask permission again for the upcoming year and was told NO. i asked why and was told two guys drove through a swampy part of a field with their truck destroying it. Then they left tons of garbage , partying there at night and took out A few huge bass. I told her I understood and thanks for letting me fish for the years I was allowed to fish. The real slap on the face was she told me who the culprits were that caused her and her husband to stop allowing fishing. And it ended up being a couple of my family members of mine.
Sorry for the loss. Yep, that just plain stinks when somebody else causes you to lose a good fishing spot. Many folks just don't know a good thing when they have one.
I, too, am sorry to read this. As others have noted, some people seem to have no respect for the properties they are allowed to access. Privately owned, open-access water decreases every year b/c of the actions of disrespectful people. So sad.

Lou, I hope your get to fish the pond when you go back to check.
bugger814 wrote:
I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. I was able to fish a farm pond with lots of bluegills and some real large bass. There was also about a half mile of a trout stream through the property that I could also fish. I went the one year after the new year to ask permission again for the upcoming year and was told NO. i asked why and was told two guys drove through a swampy part of a field with their truck destroying it. Then they left tons of garbage , partying there at night and took out A few huge bass. I told her I understood and thanks for letting me fish for the years I was allowed to fish. The real slap on the face was she told me who the culprits were that caused her and her husband to stop allowing fishing. And it ended up being a couple of my family members of mine.

Hey Bugger, I know the stream and pond you are talking about.There was A lot more than you ticked off when fishing access was closed. After all the damage that was done I fully understood why they didn't want anyone on their property. Like I said before , you can pick your friends but cant pick your family.
and if I had won some kind of big lottery 50 years ago none of you would have been able to fish the LeTort --but never damaged any ones property except when the bull chased me.
I have a friend that owns a pond that put a sigh out front that said NO FISHING DON'T ASK Because of the same issues that your pond owner faces.Was he a little strong in his statement (maybe) but after picking up the mess i sure cant blame him.
Most trash is designed to be light enough that even drunks can take it out. And yet we see what they leave behind.

I always try to leave a place better than it was when I got there. But when her dad is chasing you with a shotgun.

A Brookie stream I loved to fish is now posted. It sucks.
pete41 wrote:
and if I had won some kind of big lottery 50 years ago none of you would have been able to fish the LeTort --but never damaged any ones property except when the bull chased me.

Next time, dispose of your soiled underwear properly.

Had the same thing happen to me on a stretch of fishing creek a guy let me fish haven't been there in years went a few weeks ago he said no more fishing guys were disrespecting the privilege, stealing, trash. Sucks but that's life.
Bring a plate of cookies and a business card with you. That way they will appreciate the gift and know who you are next time you stop. Always worth a shot.
Society problem. Entitlement and no respect for landowners. Posted my land a few years ago and haven't had much trouble other than people who like to sneak in but they normally get caught because they don't ever look up...smile your on candid camera.
