Lost everything I own



Active member
Apr 1, 2016
I went fishing down the street to see if I could catch a smallie or two. I had recently been trout fishing and had all of my boxes, tippit, leaders etc. Everything I have is in there.

I could've sworn I had my bag and put it in my truck. I went back down and searched for it and nothing. I hardly ever see anyone fishing there so it's strange and All I have is my rods And flies that were laying around. So if I can't find it it's gonna be a bit before I can start fly fishing again! luckily I do have spin gear laying around and can try to get that going. But how should I start buying equipment again? Thanks
I have a buddy that had a similar thing happen to him recently at a public lake.

It surprises me how much stuff, we as fly fishers, accumulate over time.

I can't tell you exactly what to get because I don't think two fly fishers fish exactly the same.
I would start with the necessities, to get you back on the water, and go from there. Cheap nippers, or even nipper/hemo combo, one fly box, generic summer flies, one leader (if you use store bought), 4x and 5x tippet and floatant.


Where in SEPA where are you located?
I live in Lancaster own an abnormal amount of flies. I own probably a 1000 caddis flies alone. I'll admit though I really don't have much in nymphs lol. I hate them and never fish them.
I have tons of extra boxes.

I would be willing to share but you would have to meet me here. Up to you, but only if you promise not to lose your stuff again :lol:
PM me.
Many years ago I was in Arkansas fishing the White.

I left my vest on the balcony of a hotel room. I realized what I'd done, went back to the hotel less than 30 min later.

The room was serviced. But surprise, surprise, surprise... No vest.

I hope that maid's husband enjoyed my gear...
I am half tempted to get like a trail cam set up to put in my rear windshield just to monitor the back of my truck. I am sure there is a small almost GoPro sized camera you can hook up.
Almost 10 years ago I got A divorce and to say it was nasty is an understatement. Once we decided I was moving out the first thing my Ex did was destroy or throw out my fishing and hunting supplies. I ended up with very little left when I did leave and looked at it like when I was 15 and just started fly fishing, one piece at A time. I will probably never have as much as I did then , mostly because I had A little of everything I could buy back then, now I know what I like and like to use and that is what I buy.
Having lost a rod due to my won stupidity, I can relate to your loss. Hopefully some kind soul will find a way to get your gear back to you.
Many years ago I was fishing Bowman Creek. I was driving a Mazda RX7 (not exactly a fishing vehicle). After fishing I took off my gear and put my rod and vest on top of the car. I guess I was in a hurry because I drove off with my tackle on top of the car. It;s a good thing I had to make a u-turn, because when I did I saw my stuff lying in the road, all intact. I guess I'm a bit lucky. :lol:

But I certainly feel for you.
If you make it out to Carlisle, PM me. I can hook you up with flies, a box, tippet, and leader (s).
Thank you so much sal and Matt that's such a kind thing! But I'll be ok! I'm gonna buy a pack today and just slowly start filling in what I had! I'm just gonna start with the essentials just so I can keep fishing until it's mid summer and too hot! Thank you
Jeessed, I have extra cheapo but still functional hemos and probably a goofy amount of nymphs send me your address I can put a care package together.
Send me your address. I'll send you some flies.
Hey guy-
If you PM me an address, I will send you some flies that will help get you back up and running.
salmo wrote:
Many years ago I was fishing Bowman Creek. I was driving a Mazda RX7 (not exactly a fishing vehicle). After fishing I took off my gear and put my rod and vest on top of the car. I guess I was in a hurry because I drove off with my tackle on top of the car. It;s a good thing I had to make a u-turn, because when I did I saw my stuff lying in the road, all intact. I guess I'm a bit lucky. :lol:

But I certainly feel for you.

I hear of several of the "put it on top of the car and drove off" stories every year. I've never done it and hope not to. I do employ a little insurance to be sure it doesn't happen. If something goes on the roof, so do my keys. It is tough to drive away without them. I should probably make sure foxtrapper is aware of this little trick so he doesn't lose another Ruger.
I once flagged down a guy who was driving down the road with a shotgun on his roof. True story.
I'm still trying to understand your story
If you need some stuff send me your address I got extras
ROVERT wrote:

I hear of several of the "put it on top of the car and drove off" stories every year.

I did that once, only it was just the tip section of a rod. But it was a cheap rod and unfortunately it was still there on my next stop. Would have been a great excuse to buy a new one. ;-)

I did learn my lesson though.
I think this ia also a good reminder to make sure your gear is marked with your info, clearly and in numerous places. I write my phone number on the insides of all my fly boxes. it's already paid off on Elk Creek, 2 hours from home. I got the call before I realized I had lost all my steelhead flies.

And a quick tale of leaving things on the roof of the car;
I was fishing Spring Creek below the hatchery a few years back, right after the big parking lot was put in. As I was wrapping my gear up, a guy came walking by, I said something along the lines of "G' Evening" and the guy just walked by like he didn't hear me. I didn't think much of it and continued to finish up.
I was standing at the back of my car, and the fella from earlier comes pulling out, he was parked 20 yards up on the opposite side. As he's pulling out I can see a can of soda on his roof and something else, maybe a camera. I motion to the guy, and say "Hey, Mister!", he slams on his brakes and before the car stops says in the most condescending voice "It's Doctor!" as the words come out of his mouth the can of soda roles down the windshield and starts spraying everywhere and what ever was in the camera bag rolls right off the hood. I sorta laughed, and said "Sorry, Doc!" He didn't say a word as he got out to collect his things.
You really don't have to give us an excuse for you to use your spin gear. Just go ahead and use them.