Loop to Loop alternatives ( leader to fly line)

I have one rod with an oversized tip guide and the loop to loop connection passes thru with no hang up like on my other rods. it has not created any other problems. I don't know why more rod manufacturers don't use a larger tip guide.
Nail knot. You probably should be comfortable tying them on the river.
I've always used a loop to loop for leader to fly line. I've never even really given it a second thought.

I use an Albright for fly line to backing. I've never had any species of fish take me anywhere near my backing soooooo I'm content with that connection.

I see no reason to change any of that right as I am satisfied with my results.
Man, a lot of good options above. I picked up one of those brass nail knot tools years ago and it really makes the job easier. I’ve always used a stiff short section of maxima attached to the fly line then blood knotted my hand tied leader to that. Lotsa guys like the loop to loop method, but I just can’t get over the sight of a hinge in my set-up.....real or imagined! Then again, I’m stubborn and I do have an affinity for a well-tied blood knot.