Loon UV knotsense for flies


Sep 11, 2006
I've been tying up some nymphs that would normally call for dots of epoxy to strengthen the wingcase. Since I only tie a few flies at a sitting I've been experimenting using Loon UV curable knotsense instead. Seems to work fine. Anyone else ever try this?
Works great...I know a guy who ties some awesome sow bugs/cress bugs/scuds (whatever you want to call them) with the stuff...he made this little piece of plastic to put on the underside of a dubbed hook...he them wraps it with thread...applies the UV stuff to the top side of the fly..cures it and then cuts the thread down the middle of the underside to release the plastic piece...what he gets is these perfect little legs on the bottom and a nice shell back on the top...I think its great to experiment with stuff like that....
a lot of salt water guys use it for epoxy flies
I made up some midge larva flies last night with micro beads using only the Loon knot sense on the last bead, no thread. Look good now we have to see how the fish like em.

I noticed on the Loon site they sell a variation that has colors for jig heads. They make the point you can change colors in the field by just applying a new coat and curing right there.
I saw some guys at the cabin feaver show tying with the knot sense and the flies were pretty damn cool.

Here is a question. Could you use the Loon UV wader repair stuff in the same fashion?

I had a tube of Loon Knot Sense and Wader Repair. The Knot Sense Tube self destructed and I began using Wader Repair. I works just fine for me.

I tried it last night and it works great. Thanks for the tip.