Looking for used Redington CT



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
I am interested to see if anyone has a used classic trout they would be willing to sell. You can PM specifics such as length, weight, and price expected or post it here. I'm specifically shopping for a 3, 4, or 5 weight in various lengths.
Suggest you sign up for Sierra Trading Post Dealflyer. Just watch it for a while to get a feel for how they do discount offers and shipping. They offer quite a bit of Redington rods there. CT and Tempt (Same thing, different name) have been there off and on. You just missed a chance to pick up a 3 wt CT for about 60 bucks. The 6 wt is still there but I would not touch it, or any other 9 ft rod in that series

All proper thinking tackle junkies monitor STP.

At Cabelas they moved the price up to 100 but that could be temporary. Maybe more than you want to pay but you would get a warranty.
