Looking for some help



Jun 19, 2015
I wanted to reach out and see if any one could help get me in to a job doing stream/river conservation work. ANY help would be greatly appreciated, wether it's a contact in the field, a job opening, company I haven't heard of, anything.

I received my B.S. in environmental biology. For the last ten years I have run a dental lab and before that I was a sergeant In the Marine Corps. I would be more then happy to send resume, references and cover letter to anyone interested.Feel free to PM me.

I love to fly fish and want to make a career of protecting and improving our important and beloved resource.

Thanks for your time
Thank you, I would not have found that one in time. I greatly appreciate you keeping me in mind, and taking the time to reply.
I was set to start a job next month with an environmental consulting firm, but the job disappeared with the colaps of the natural gas market. Wanted to reach out again and see if anyone knew of any openings. Thank you.
If you are interested in government work you could check into Civil service with the state. If/when they pass a budget I'm thinking there will be a bunch of openings. If you need help filling out the paperwork shoot me a pm.

The feds seem to be hiring a bunch too last I checked.

Yeah, with any military service you get +20 on the point system for state or federal work.

That's a leg up I don't have, which means your resume goes above mine.
Christmas came early for me this year and the search is over. Just signed my job offer with the Susquehanna River Basin Commission. Couldn't be more excited about the company and its work. Lucky to have the opportunity to work at protecting something I love.
Dang nice! Enjoy
Good for you, and thank you for your service, past and future.
Good luck and keep posting info ;I fish it a lot
1manwolfpack wrote:
Christmas came early for me this year and the search is over. Just signed my job offer with the Susquehanna River Basin Commission. Couldn't be more excited about the company and its work. Lucky to have the opportunity to work at protecting something I love.

Hurray! Wonderful news.

Best wishes in your new position - a Marine NCO will be a good asset to the SRBC (a good organization) and get things done on time and to standard. :)

Of course we have lots of threads on the Susky - now we have a buddy on the inside who can pull strings. :cool:

Congratulations - made my day.