looking for free beginner fly tying lessons....for my dog



Active member
May 26, 2011
After 8 1/2 years, he's decided to start tying. Came home from work to find cdc, marabou, turkey, dubbing and pheasant feathers everywhere. He didn't get into the hooks or necks but managedto mmangle 50%+ of the remaining supplies. He's good at spotting rising fish but tough to live with. Ugh.
That sucks.

I'm surprised my dog ain't got into my fly tying materials yet.
Had a brit 20 yrs ago and he got ALL my supplies. He ate 7-8 necks on top of the other destruction
I suspect that they are the same breed. Good luck in finding the fly tying lessons. Maybe you should contact the Dog Whisperer and find out what your dog is really tying to tell you. :)
I had considered putting some hook in his food bowl in hopes that he'd poop out a few dozen of these. LMAO


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Just make sure to debarb the hooks Andy
That stinks, really glad my room has a door. Got an English setter pup.
Should have just stocked your basment with brookies when Kramer flooded your house.
krayfish wrote:
I had considered putting some hook in his food bowl in hopes that he'd poop out a few dozen of these. LMAO

Is that top one a poo winged olive?
I think orvis will hook your dog up with lessons with purchase of orvis doggy bed and coat.
I came home yesterday to my pheasant tails destroyed from the cat. The dog doesn't really bother anything, but that cat will get into anything he can.
Just remember the old say....When your away the children will play....can also be applied to our pets.
The dog never bothers my stuff, but then again she's bipolar/depressed and mostly just lies around looking sad anymore.

the cat, however, will destroy anything she can get into.

That may be the reason I like my fish and snakes so much, they never seem to bother anything.
Well, took the remaining supplies and had the nephew over on Sunday morning to tie some flies.....or at least we'd give it a shot. He brought his little bro along since he was very interested in learning how to make flies. The youngest one kept yelling he wanted to make san juan worms since those are his favs. I encouraged them to get creative and make something of their own. WOW, wrong thing to say because it's like saying "hey, waste as many hooks and bits of material as possible". LOL.

I only tie about a dozen or two per year. Bad eyes and I lose interest quickly. For some reason, I'm a little more inspired this winter (thanks to gutcutter).

My tying skills are average at best and I'm sure I'll get a ol' fashioned beat down for the quality of my bugs. That's ok, I'll take it like a man.

The first 2 flies were made by the oldest nephew. I told him that we'd name the one with the red tail a "wtf". I attempted to teach them wooly buggers, caddis larva and a basic nymph. After the buggers and larva, they wanted to tie sulphur emergers so we moved in that direction. I also knocked out a dozen ISO thorax ties.

I'll bring them to the newbie jam and maybe one of you can help them. I think the oldest needs an eye exam instead of a tying lesson. LMAO. The little guy was knocking out some real nice looking cdc sulphurs with trailing shucks. He's going to be pretty handy at it.


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The dog is pretty good unless I leave a bucktail where he can reach it. I make sure to keep the door closed at all times just in case.

The cat doesnt really bother the materials, but I have to keep a space cleared for his fat butt to lay in while I am tying.
