Looking for fishing bud

Hey Peyton that would be amazing. I'm down to try more spots and get out of my comfort zone (which isn't much anyway) I will send you a DM. Thanks!
The hardest thing for me over the past year or so (other than finding the time between work and family obligations) has been the intimidation of finding places to explore for fishing. I have made a few friends from this site who have been really helpful in providing advice, telling me about some streams to explore, etc. But I have to admit that I’m not the type of person who is particularly comfortable with exploring new water on my own, mostly because I just don‘t know where to park, where to hike, where to enter streams, etc. I know some folks are naturally comfortable with exploring on their own, and that‘s awesome. But it‘s just not me. That is why finding some fishing buddies is really key to enjoying the experience.
I totally agree. Espcially being on the greener side of a fly fisherman. It is very intimidating to fish new waters, and much more so if it’s a considerable drive.
I live a stones throw from French creek. Give me a shout if you want to fish sometime.
Ah. You’re prolly the closet person that’s replied so far. Come fall when school slows down a bit would you wanna go out on a weekend somewhere?
Newbie here too, located in Philly. Been over to the tully, the wiss and may take a run up to the poho this week or next. Most likely early on a weekday. Always looking for a buddy to join as i’m new to the sport and loving every minute, even the days when my catch count is low. Being out of the city and on the water makes me happy. So glad I found this page! Look forward to talking to/meeting/fishing w you guys!
Love the username. My pops loves golf and isn’t a fan of fishing, talk about opposites.

I’m pretty much a weekend warrior being in college. But if you’re ever down for a weekend sesh give me a shout we can set it up.
I live just outside of Pottstown, and probably wouldn't be able to fish with you but I could give you a few spots with bigger trout and other people who fly fish. French creek has good fly fishing at certain spots, others arent so great.
Thanks for the reply. Definitely interested in what you have to say. Shoot me a DM if you can. I’ve seen you on several other threads. If you’re ever able to get out give me a shout.
Love the username. My pops loves golf and isn’t a fan of fishing, talk about opposites.

I’m pretty much a weekend warrior being in college. But if you’re ever down for a weekend sesh give me a shout we can set it up.
Sounds good to me. We could try to plan something for weekend of 9/17-9/18 if you want.
I would be interested in a fishing meetup sometime this fall. I live down in Maryland but am happy to drive up to PA at some point.
I would be interested in a fishing meetup sometime this fall. I live down in Maryland but am happy to drive up to PA at some point.
Awesome. Maybe we can actually set up a half decent meet up. I’m surprised on how much engagement I got on this post. If enough people are interested we could get something going.

Or if you’re more Lowkey shoot me a dm and we can set up something that way.
Ah. You’re prolly the closet person that’s replied so far. Come fall when school slows down a bit would you wanna go out on a weekend somewhere?
For sure. Will be fishing marsh creek and some other lakes for musky once the water cools down a bit if your interested.
I’d love to target muskies on a fly rod. Not sure a 5 weight would cut it 😂.
Hahahaha. I live real close to marsh creek. I’ll bring my 5. Don’t get me into nothing crazy.
French Creek has been too warm for trout fishing until recently; unless you plan to harvest, Only recently have the temps dropped and when most of these post came in it was in the 70's. I grew up fly fishing French and am always amazed at how many fish still exist in the most heavily fished stretches. Hidden in plain sight as it were. These rains and lower temps will make a difference for sure.
Definitely. Know a little stretch right next to my house, amazing sulphur hatch every time. I don’t fish it any time after that. Heats up awfully quick.
That’s a sweet gig brother. I go to ursinus college. Practically polar opposite of penn state but it works for my interests. Yes I do have availability on the weekends but I have to get the gear and what not in order so it’s going to have to be a more planned event than I’m used to.

Recently I purchased a 3wt and also entered my new money draining hole of fly tying.

I’d love to get together and learn a thing or two. Shoot me a message.
@Shimedog - Fellow Bear here ... I'll send you a note and see what I can do for you.
Anyone want to throw some lines this Sunday 9/18??