looking for a rotary vise



New member
May 8, 2012
State College, PA
I am considering upgrading my trusty griffin 2A to something that I can rotate my flies that I am tying around. I am not sure that I want a true rotary. I looked at a renzetti traveler but I don't know if I can justify the price tag because I don't know if I will use it to its full potential. I have done a few searches on vises here and I see a lot of mention of the anvil apex and atlas. A lot of people seem to like them. I am wondering if one of the ebay knock off vises would be sufficient for me. I am afraid it will be a case of you get what you pay for. Has anyone tried any of the off brand ebay vises and if so, what are your thoughts?

Lastly, if anyone has a vise that is collecting dust and would possibly like to sell let me know.

I would go with the Renzetti traveler. You won't be disappointed.
+1 for the Traveler. Money well pent.
for what you want to do the apex will fill the bill nicely..
Thanks for all of the replies. I am still researching. I want this to be a one time purchase.
Hey, the Renzetti Traveler with the new cam jaws is a great bargain....also it will hold its resale value alot more than any other rotary knock off.
+1 renzetti traveler, unless you feel the need to spend more money. I've tied #26 all the way up to heavy 5/0 saltwater stuff no problem. Get the cam jaws. It is a simple, easy to use, durable vise. One of the better fly tying purchases I have made.
I've tied on my Renzetti Traveler for a long time and consider it a bargain. You are not happy with you present vise now and are considering buying your second vise (or third?) I've seen a lot of guys buy multiple vises and not be really happy with any of them, while I've been tying on the same vise for going on 20 years. Who saved the money, and who is satisfied with their purchase?

Check out what's out there and buy something decent that works well for you. If you're short on coin, wait and save up and buy something of quality. In the long run, a good vise is a bargain.
at the same price point as the renzetti... the Dynaking treker is a MUCH better purchase
I have the Peak Rotary vise and really like it.
you tell em beady..........................................
I have a Danville thats fine for me...but I don't think I'm as picky as most
I have a Peak and love it. Nice on the wallet, made in America, and works great.
I have a Danvise and got it for a song on Ebay. I enjoy it and it'll fit in your budget nicely. If you get one, just watch the vids on the cam jaws because they are a bit different with the 10:1 ratio.
I've received very good service out of my Anvil. For $100.00 its a tough and simple tool. Not a true rotary vise but it does permit turning the flies for trimming etc.
I have an anvil atlas and you cannot go wrong with that vise. Its built like a tank and the customer service is great. I called them a while back after having the vise for a few years and said I was having trouble with the jaws.(I know I was the problem putting too much pressure on them while learning to tie.) The guy I talked to asked me did I want to send the vise back or have him send me the parts,there never was a mention of reciepts or what did I do to break it. I opted to have the new parts sent to me and within a few days they arrived by mail. Not many companies anymore will do that without question.
You should check out this review
