looking for a new stream



New member
Oct 23, 2013
Hi, I'm from Erie looking for good fall trout stream to get my girlfriend out on. Any suggestions?
Are they making new streams?
Really? Probably should have changed the subject sentence to avoid comments like this one. I'm not looking for a fight, just want too find a good stream that is very productive in the fall.
Welcome, Fishman, to our online community. For starts, you should check the link in the upper right side of this page "Pennsylvania Trout Streams" and this will get you started. You can also search this site by county.
Well here is what I would do. Search the PFBC site for streams in the area you want to fish. Also I have a DeLorme Gazateer that I look for "little blue lines" in. I don't like to fish beside other people I didn't arrive at the stream with, or fish for pellet heads, so take my suggestion with that grain of salt.

From my experience girls ain't all about catching fish. Exploring a new area, or scenery off the beaten path, may be the right move.

Im actually looking at my DeLorme Gazateer the only only problem with that is you don't know if the the access to the creek is posted.
Do you have any streams on SGL's or state forests? That's where I concentrate my searching in a new area. Then I cross reference it to the PFBC's Class A map.

Edit: If the stream is not too far, or off a daily commute, I'll do some scouting to check the lay out and access (private land streams) before I try to fish it.
Fishman12992 wrote:
Im actually looking at my DeLorme Gazateer the only only problem with that is you don't know if the the access to the creek is posted.

Yep. If you care to travel far enough, you can always check streams on public land. Sometimes you just have to do a drive by and look for posted signs or ask permission from landowners. For the most part, the state does not stock trout in stream sections that are posted, so if the stream is listed as an ATW, then you should be able to access the stocked section.
I'm willing to travel to central pa to find new grounds. Ive been trying at oil creek state park but not much of any success. We also tried feeder streams to oil but they are way to small and brushy to fly fly fish in, but saw some pretty decent size native brookies in.
Check local fly shops for advice. GG
In areas that you are interested, check out restricted tackle (delayed harvest, fly fishing only, etc). That certainly would be one way to get you on the water and the likelihood of fishing of trout is increased.

Down side is, by this time, they are "professional trout" that have seen more fly patterns than the producrt buyer at LL Bean.
And don't forget to ask even if land is posted. Just be polite. Sometimes you will find and owner willing to let you fish just because you asked. I once stopped and asked to dip minnows from a stream (not a trout stream) and the owner was just flabbergasted that I stopped to ask. Said nobody ever asked before.Told me I could anytime I wanted, but I'll still stop and ask the next time.