Looking for a mouse



Jan 9, 2012
Like the title says I'm looking for a few new mouse pattern to play with this season. I've done really well with the patterns I use now but I'm always looking for something different. Any pattern suggestions would be awesome. Thanks


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Heres a nice simple mouse i've tied in the past.


Thanks guy. I sent you a PM with the name of that book we were talking about.


This pattern has landed about ten night fish for me this year.

My opinion is that a mouse fly that looks like a mouse is just as likely to catch a fisherperson as a fish, meaning I don't think the trout inspect a mouse fly to see if it has eyes, etc. I like the Blair Mouse because it can push water well (it incorporates aspects of the Gurgler) and the rubber legs/tail have a good swimming motion.

Seems I've heard this before.


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Thanks guy. I've seen both of those patterns and they are already on my list. What sizes do you generally tie them in? I've had alot of success with both of my patterns on Bass but haven't used them for trout yet.
I like that fly DD!

Having spent a lot of time experimenting with mouse flies myself, I know they can be challenging but also a lot of fun (I was testing a new version in the bathtub recently). In my experience, the key to success is to get a design that rides "nose up" without pulling under the surface when retrieved down and across where there is some current.
Fun stuff.
Thanks Dave. The top fly stays on top even when retrieved. The bottom fly swims just under the surface (1-2 inches)when retrieved but sits with its nose up and ears out of the water on the pause.
I'll second the Blair Mouse Project. I've yet to really try them out, but the action is great in the water and they're simple to tie.
anything here?

Nice looking mice you're tying there Dan.
Has anyone tried the Harvey pusher night fly? I know that it is not a typical mouse pattern, but the fact that it takes big fish at night makes me suspect that it mimicks a swimming mouse. I don't have a good picture, but there is one posted by Fishidiot in this thread
Here is the pattern I have:
Hook: 2/0-8/0 XL
Thread: black
Tail: Stiff feather kickers
Body: black or other dark dubbing
Wing: Pheasant body feathers
Hackle: Black or other dark palmered
I've no experience with the fly, just curious to hear more about it.
I just got done reading Harvey's book a couple weeks ago. If I'm not mistaken he fished the night fly underwater more like a streamer. Not on top like your typical mouse. I may have read that wrong though.
delta_dog wrote:
Like the title says I'm looking for a few new mouse pattern to play with this season. I've done really well with the patterns I use now but I'm always looking for something different. Any pattern suggestions would be awesome. Thanks

what is the belly on those? I'm looking to add a few mouse patterns to my repertoire, as I only have one at this point.
delta_dog wrote:
Thanks guy. I've seen both of those patterns and they are already on my list. What sizes do you generally tie them in? I've had alot of success with both of my patterns on Bass but haven't used them for trout yet.

I have them in size 2 to 8. I don't know if it is the way the fly rides but I have noticed I've hooked a number of fish on the outside of the mouth, particularly when fishing size 2. Most were smaller fish (less than 15") so that might be a bigger influencer. Usually, bigger is better at night, but this is one case where I went smaller. The big fish I've caught all were hooked inside the mouth. I think they just inhale the thing and maybe the smaller fish are first trying to drown the mini beasts first.
Beaver and foam with a raw wool head.
BrookieChaser wrote:
I just got done reading Harvey's book a couple weeks ago. If I'm not mistaken he fished the night fly underwater more like a streamer. Not on top like your typical mouse. I may have read that wrong though.
I remember that it was fished just sub surface. But I could be wrong about that. Either way, not a typical mouse.