looking for 5wt



Apr 29, 2012
I am looking for a 5 wt rod in either 8' or 8'6" lengths. I would prefer either a rod that is under $100 or a complete outfit less than $150. I was looking at cabelas and know that they have a lot of options that fit into those categories but was looking for other opinions. If anybody has input on any of the cheaper cabelas stuff or opinions on other brands, it would help my search out a lot.
Reddington also TFO. GG
What about a Greys GS?
The Clymb, which you have to sign up for the get emails had TFO signature series rods for $130 or less. I can't recall. If you sign up, theclymb.com, you can see all of their deals on their site for the past week.
page thru here and you'll see some good deals

I have the Cabela's Prestige outfit that retails for $150 or less if they are on sale. (Just bought my brother one for $129)

I Like the rod and the Heritage Angler has told me that it will take some time for me to out-grow the rod. (He may have been commentng on my casting ability, but I don't think so.....) :)

Also, you may want to look at LL Bean's offerings in that price range.

Thanks for all of the help. A lot of great options out there and there are new deals popping up all the time. I may just wait a little longer to purchase a new rod. I survived this long and I can survive a little bit longer. For me, I'll only be fishing small native streams the rest of the year so I shouldn't need a longer rod for the rest of the year.