Longneck De



Jun 19, 2015
Headed down to longneck for the weekend. Gonna do some sinning with a spin rod while I'm there but I was currious if I could get into anything with my fly rod. If so a couple recommended patterns would be appreciated. Thanks
I'd imagine that snapper blues will be around.

Tie up some tiny Clousers (about 1-2" in total length) on a long shank hook. Add some flashy materials to the fly as well. They like panfish sized poppers too. Have a few extra flies as their little teeth are destructive.
Snapper blues are a blast.
My grandpa used to have a house there. DW is right - there will be tons of snapper blues around. At high tide in the middle of the day you can find them hiding under docks and piers. Most of the ones I caught down there were under 10", the bigger ones will be out in the bay toward the inlet. Big flounder over there too, but may not be accessible with a fly rod.

Also around the docks, you'll find spot and black sea bass up to about 8". A lot of fun on light tackle. Actually never caught a spot on the fly but the BSB's are greedy and will eat those same small clousers that the snapper blues will. They hang out very close to the pilings, near the bottom.
Thanks guys!
drag clousers on bottom for flounder. add a worm fly on saltwater hook for spots and such. might even get decent size mullet.