Long time lurker with a question



New member
Jan 1, 2013
Hello i have been a long time lurker for a while as i just started fly fishing again after a little break. I live in york county and headed up to the tully with a buddy yesterday looking to get back at catching some trout. My buddy got 6 and i got skunked out unfortunately. I headed down to the codorus TT section today and managed to pull out 3 small small trout about 5 inches. This is where my question comes into play. We are planing a fishing trip black friday. Since we hit the tully this weekend we want to try something down closer to york area instead of the reading area. I didnt like the codorus much especially for two people fishing together. Im also thinking of maybe taking a trip to the breeches but afraid of there being alot of people for holiday weekend. The only other option i can think of is muddy creek. Iv never fished it before but heard there is a fly fishing section. I cant find any info on when they stock or anything like that. I know the non fly fishing section gets hit hard so i dont know what to do. Any bidy have any suggestions on what creek we Should try or any creeks i didnt mention we could try. Dont mind driving a little bit into Lancaster or anything like that. Thanks
Here's a map of the FFO section of Muddy... http://www.muddycreektu.org/wmaps.html
Don't write off the streams you have listed. Although they may not have fished well for you the last time, or they didn't feel right, doesn't mean they're not worth revisiting. Part of the allure and challenge of FFing is figuring out these waters. Sometimes it takes a few trips to a stream before you start to figure it out. A new FFer shouldn't expect to catch a lot of trout the first time they visit a new stream.
Breeches is worth visiting. It may be crowded in the reg section ("crowded" is relative - yuh gotta visit these places to get an idea in your mind) but there are dozens of miles of water on the stream where you will not likely see any other anglers this time of year.
To search out some new spots, try hitting the link Where to Fly Fish on the upper right side of this page.
Breeches and Muddy are good options. Breeches may have more water right now. Catching 3 on Codorus is pretty good , I spent 3 hours there yesterday and took the skunk.
Thanks iv fished the codorus last year a few times. Love it in the summer with a caddis fly. Alot of the spots i normally hit changed from last year. Do you think if we were to fish the muddy creek should we try the whole creek or the fly fishing section only? Might have to try the breeches. Iv always parked at the main parking spot never tried parking anywhere else. Not sure if you can park anywhere else. The tully was real low compared to the water line on the rocks i think thats why i had a tough time up there
I also just seen theres the Donegal creek right across the river. Not to much info on that creek if it would be a decent creek to check out as well
The Donegal has its spots. I just fished it the other day; however, its wild brown population has definitely taken a hit compared to where it was a few years ago. It can get tight in some areas with a lot of brush and brambles along the creek. The water level is quite low right now. For two, I'd personally look elsewhere.
If you're going to try Muddy Creek I would go to the fly section. It was stocked 10/8 per the PFB&C site. The stream holds some fish over but not a lot. Think your best bet for some action is to hit that stretch. I may try it Saturday.
Thanks might check out muddy creek then
No more info to add, but I have a few buddies in York who fish Muddy Creek a lot with pretty good success.

Agreed on Donegal, also, those wild brownies are spawning right now so best to leave them be.
Welcome aboard. GG
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Agreed on Donegal, also, those wild brownies are spawning right now so best to leave them be.

Yup. This is generally true of all the brown trout streams in SE PA. I have stayed away from Codorus TT for this very reason...
I didnt realize they were spawning. I will stay away from those streams as well. When does the spawning end?
I would recommend for you to head to the breeches. I would try to fish from around 10am-3pm for this time of year. There should be a hatch of little BWO's in that time frame. My guess is that there will be other guys in the stream with the mild weather that they're calling for, but it won't be too bad I'm sure.
Breeches shouldn't be too crowded, All the fly fisherman I know will be too tired to fish from being out all night snatching up Black Friday bargains.
Saw quite a few waiting outside the Michaels Craft Store in York. Peacock swords were on sale. Or maybe it was just the colored beads.
Just want to give an update. Headed down to muddy creek today. Buddy and i caught 2 fish right from the start. Then it got slow until about 1130 when i got another. We started at 8. Went to a new location and my buddy lost one while he was texting lol. All in all great day i got 2 rainbows and he got a beautiful 11 incb wild brown. Water was low and Crystal clear