Long time listener ….first time caller…



New member
Apr 6, 2021
New Market, MD
Been here since 2021, checked in a few time for content, but just getting around to “New Member Check In”.

Early up on a Sunday (turning clocks back gain of an hour — woohoo) decided to check in and scan for Penn’s Creek info for a trip next week and came across Dave’s report from October — such a great bit of info — like getting the scouting report films from Bill Bellicheat on the Steelers.

Live in Maryland past 8 yrs, grew up fishing/canoeing on the Yough (West Newton, PA) for the first 59 years; retired Fed/Military, fly fishing and tying flies 35 years and now fish PA, NY, and MD. Gear is a few Winston rods, with Hardy and Danielsson Reels.

Thanks for the site…love the content…I plan on being an active and contributing member.


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Welcome aboard. GG
A belated welcome from a born and bred central NYer. I've been tying flies for over 50 years and hosting fly swaps for the past 14. Check one out as we always love to see a new face!

Stan (RIP), Guy, ??

Welcome. When I was a kid, we would get minnows from an old guy who had a bait shop in his garage. The property riverfront on the Yough in West Newton. We would fish the Yough or Hutchy pond. Every time he would say, “hope you catch a whale!”
Stan (RIP), Guy, ??

Welcome. When I was a kid, we would get minnows from an old guy who had a bait shop in his garage. The property riverfront on the Yough in West Newton. We would fish the Yough or Hutchy pond. Every time he would say, “hope you catch a whale!”
Stan (RIP), Guy, ??

Welcome. When I was a kid, we would get minnows from an old guy who had a bait shop in his garage. The property riverfront on the Yough in West Newton. We would fish the Yough or Hutchy pond. Every time he would say, “hope you catch a whale!”
First fish I ever caught was a kid (no more than 6 or 7) at the Hutchy Pond behind an Ice Cream place called Barney’s. Frank Celipino (owner of the gas station top of West Newton hill), packed a bunch of us kids into his car with a 1/2 dozen rods, worms and bobbers.

We fished all day long…that was 60 years ago…it is a day forever in my memory; life lessons passed down from a Titan of a man.
welcome! enjoy. its a nice site. the what are you tying thread is my favorite to visit. i tie flys but im to stupid with a camera to get clear shots.