Long Island



Active member
Dec 10, 2006
Bryn Mawr, PA
Heading out to Water Mill, a few miles south of Montauck, for Thanksgiving and was going to bring my surf rod and my 9wt. Probably a shot in the dark here but anybody know if the stripers are still up there. Looking at the water temps I'm thinking it still be good conditions .
There should still be stripers around, although it's getting late in the season for LI. It's worth a try.
Good luck. Let us know how you made out. By far my most epic days of FFing for stripers have been at Montauk. Nothing can compare to it IMO.
Water temps are still in the 50's you should find fish if there is still bait around .
Hoping to have a shot. As part of their winter flood prevention the town of Water Mill sends a Trackhoe to cut an opening from Mecox Pond to the ocean. This channel sends out a flood of baitfish and crab and the stripers show up for the feast. It has not been done yet so I may get lucky. Either way I will stroll the beach. I'll let you guys know how it went. Happy Thanksgiving.
I have heard of this type of thing just be carefull I also heard that the sand can be real soft almost like quicksand :-o
No action at Shinnecock Inlet. Blues skies and almost 60. Trying again this afternoon