lol @ this fish



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Sorry, Mute!
Even though most,....if not ALL, of my fly rods
are shorter than this link you've provided,
it appears to not be working! At least for me,
all I get is a "bank page"!?
link worked fine for looks to need a few more pieces of anatomy......a tail would be a good start :)
haha, there flybinder, fixed 2 problems with 2 click
I am not sure I would even touch that thing. If I saw it at the end of my line I would either cut the line or drop the rod and run of screaming. I would rather attempt to remove a bat that takes your fly on the backcast.

Looks like it was caught below Three Mile Island.
I wonder if she is breaking the law?

"It is unlawful to possess a fish in any form or condition other than in the whole or having the entrails removed while on shore, along the waters of the Commonwealth, onboard a boat or on a dock, pier, launch area, or parking lot adjacent thereto"

That fish ain't whole...
lmfao tom u might have a point. wheres jack on this one.....set us straight! :-D
If you are referring to no-tail
I caught a foot long rainbow on the Yellowstone with no tail-none what so ever.Had to be born that way.Caught and released it twice more in a couple of months.Last I saw of it.Perfectly healthy 'plump thing except for absence of tail.Streamborn fish as this was years after they stopped stocking.Put up a average fight.
One guess what I knick-named it.
A feller brought a picture in to my store of one almost that bad a couple days after 1st day this year.
Thats "Bigger and better" for ya.
Years ago I caught one in the Pine just below the Slate Run bridge that just stopped behind the dorsal fin. What was left of him was over 10 inches long. He woulda been a pretty nice brownie if he just had that other third. When I first got him in sight I thought he was a sunny, then I realized it was two thirds of a trout. He actually fought pretty well. He was nowhere near as rank and creepy looking as this pic, though.

"One guess what I knick-named it."

Stumpy? That's what we called our tailless cat.
ian_brown wrote:
"One guess what I knick-named it."

Stumpy? That's what we called our tailless cat.

Hope it wasn't "square tail"!
it was the weirdest thing-you wouldn't think that it could survive.
There was a three legged Mule deer doe that ran with a local herd.Dang thing would jump fences with the rest of them with ONE rear leg.I am not usually a softy but my heart went out to her.
Had a three legged dog once...he didn't seem to care.

If Festus had been here he'd have named him we did the dog.
That has got to be one of the nastiest looking trout I have ever seen. I may have nightmares tonight!
That fish looks like it died a few months ago. NASTY!!
This puts all the "trout are delicate," "don't lay them on dry leaves," "wet your hands first," etc., etc. in perspective.