Logic behind "The Run"

Just fished Allenberry twice this past week and there are fish below Children's lake, i only saw 2 personally but another guy said that there were a ton of them at the spillway. I didnt venture up the far as there was a dad and his son fishing it and i didnt want to get in their way. Of the 2 i saw, one looked like it was about dead (massive black/white scar on its back) and the other was a super colored up male that was pushing id guess atleast 22in. That one was either caught a few times or something because during the time i was pitching my euro rig at him he never closed his mouth.

Ill also add that this was 3 weeks after a stocking of the breeches.
... and the other was a super colored up male that was pushing id guess atleast 22in. That one was either caught a few times or something because during the time i was pitching my euro rig at him he never closed his mouth.
Was it a brown or a rainbow, and was it likely a stocked trout?
I would guess it was a stocked rainbow. I only guess that because of the size, only time ive seen fish of that size and color is on big spring. Another angler i talked to said that hes fished that section for a few years now and the scud population is booming, so i would guess there is enough food for them in there but for me, unless it gets a bit deeper, i dont see a good way to actually fish it with euro as you are pretty much on top of them as is.
I stopped by the Run Monday around 11:00 am. There was one out of state truck in the parking lot and a fishermen in the upper section about 30 yrds down from the dam spillway. The angler landed a trout so I walked close enough to him and started a conversation. I only saw one trout there and he said he saw a second in the fast water in the first 40 - 50 yrd stretch. I continued to walk down to the foot bridge and saw 3 stocked trout and I spooked a small fish that I assumed was a wild trout.
The stream bed looks much better then it did from silt only 5 or 6 months ago. There is still silt in the slower areas but the moving water seems fairly clean. This seems to be a improvement from what things were just a year ago. I do not think it will ever get back to what it was 30 - 40 years ago but at least it seems to be improving. I think it is worth looking at and possibly fishing.
Just fished Allenberry twice this past week and there are fish below Children's lake, i only saw 2 personally but another guy said that there were a ton of them at the spillway. I didnt venture up the far as there was a dad and his son fishing it and i didnt want to get in their way. Of the 2 i saw, one looked like it was about dead (massive black/white scar on its back) and the other was a super colored up male that was pushing id guess atleast 22in. That one was either caught a few times or something because during the time i was pitching my euro rig at him he never closed his mouth.

Ill also add that this was 3 weeks after a stocking of the breeches.
One of us who regularly attend "Sunday Services" at the Pavillion at the Run has been catching fish in the lake and throwing his catch into the run. Those trout hold just below the outlet and are being caught over and over again.
I talked to one of the Officers of the YBAC Saturday at the Monaghan show and asked about stocking the run.
The C and R area will have float boxes loaded behind the stone arch bridge and floated directly down stream into the C and R area. However if someone wants to carry a bucket or 2 for the run stocking that should be fine. I forgot to ask about the Pa. fish comiss. stocking. He also works on the State trucks for the Breeches so he more then likely knows what to expect.
The Run hasn't been able to sustain any trout for years now. They all travel downstream and into the Breeches. It would be an effort in futility.
Yes you are basically correct Joe. It is do to the lack of food. It used to be full of scuds ( shrimp) but draining the lake year after year has depleted the vegetation and totally destroying the eco system. Perhaps they can just leave it alone for 5 or 10 years and things will come back. Also a little stream improvement could help. Until then supplemental feeding could hold fish there. IMO
I know it's an old thread but strange timing to come across it.....
I was at an 18th century muzzleloader/ artisan show in Carlisle on Friday, and since I was down that way myself and 2 buddies decided to hit Yellow Breeches Angler.....now TCO. (I do like that they kept the old shop sign)
I lived in York Co for a while and fished the Breeches fairly often but hadn't been in the shop or on that water in 20 years.
I wanted to show the guys all the trout in The Run to kill some time after hitting the shop........and thought to myself:
"I don't remember it looking like this!?....where the hell is the water and the fish!?" 🤷‍♂️
I was seriously confused by the uniformly shallow lifeless stretch.
20-30 years ago I didn't fish it much on my way down to the bigger water but it was fun to watch all the fish by the parking area .....admittedly I did catch a few nice ones I saw finning here and there. 😁
I was kinda sad when I saw the water the other day, and now I have a better idea of what happened.
I was beginning to think I wasn't remembering it correctly.