Logic behind "The Run"



Well-known member
May 26, 2009
My wife & I took I ride today so I could see the "enhancements" to the Run. What was the logic, if there was any, to spend probably over a million dollars to channeling the upper end of the Run. We walked from the new bridge to the little old bridge crossing the creek and did not see a single trout. The depth of the upper 50 yards was maybe 8". No one was fishing and I can see why. Children's Lake looked deeper. Was that my imagination? At the end closest to the town pool there is a layer of goose & duck poop mixed in with other flotsam. Not an appealing sight. If this comment is in the wrong forum feel free to move it.
No logic that I can see. Got one if the largest springs and cold water sources in PA and that warm turd of kiddie swimming pool, er um lake, just warms it up right where it bubbles up.

Sinkhole, crack in lake, or cosmic sign the lake was stupid happened and all the “lake front” property owners put those stupid signs up that said “save the lake” and then after they raised 1-2-3 million dollars about(what ever) to flush down the toilet, they re-*ucked up the spring properly(“fixed the lake”). Then they all wrote big red D’s on the end of their signs so it read “save’D the lake”.

Now thats team work
It is sicking to see what has happened to the lake and run. I have lived in BS for 45 years and I will not comment any further
The purpose of the pond is to have a nice lake in the middle of town. It's crystal clear and it brings people into town. Only fisherman and environmentalist would care that the stream recieves cold water.
The purpose of the pond is to have a nice lake in the middle of town. It's crystal clear and it brings people into town. Only fisherman and environmentalist would care that the stream recieves cold water.
I'm sure that the living things that are in there care about the cold water as well.
If I recall the water bubbles up within the confined area of the "lake". There is also water above there though which I assume is also part of the spring. It has been years since I walked up there. I do not remember seeing trout in that water above the lake at that time. Can anyone fill in how it all works?
A couple of observations:

Way back when in the mid 1970s, the outflow was adjusted so the run had about as much water in it as today. It was overgrown and mainly just full of little brookies. Over the years, water has been adjusted up and down and I strongly suspect that still can happen.

I heard Ed Koch (author of Fishing the Midge and longtime operator of the yellow breeches fly shop in those days). He talked about the stream’s big shortcoming as a trout habitat: the spring spews a massive amount of nitrogen, which gives the trout popeye disease. The nitrogen doesn’t dissipate until about a third of the way down the lake. That’s why no one fishes the creek upstream from the lake. Starting this time of year, you’ll see trout run up the creek from the lake to spawn, but they get Popeyes and die. There’s a lot more detail on the nitrogen in the lake, but the biggest add-on is in the next paragraph.

If not for the dam outflow and dam, the current run might be highly variable with nitrogen. The creek probably would still be the c+ to b- fishery that it’s been all my life. The lake is a wonderful asset to the to the town and has been there for a very long time. While the creek might be a little improved without the lake, it’s 1 full of springs (read limestone legends or take a kayak trip) and 2 a great place for kids to get hooked on fishing (like happened to me), so, in my mind, the lake is a good thing.

I’m thinking of writing to the township (or whatever municipal entity it is) parks and rec operation to suggest they plant a few trees along the creek. Hopefully no one will protest on the grounds of needing backcast room.

Last week when I was there, a big rainbow (18 inches or so) was feeding in the shallow run where the stone bridge abutments used to be, there’s a full on cress bed on either side of the creek there and when I inevitably spooked the big rainbow, it went into a cress bed and flushed two 11 inchers. I do like that the pipes are gone from just below the dam, and there’s no reason a little structure can’t be added in the fast water in that area (maybe I’ll add that to my parks and rec letter. Keep in mind, a lot of the political issues important to us as fishers can be fairly effectively addressed at a very low level.)

The lower creek, from the footbridge to the breeches, is as good or better than ever ( but the creek has never been a hallmark fishery).

I suspect a few modifications could improve what’s there. Will it be like the good old days? Depends on what you consider the good old days, and what you consider a good fishing spot. At this point in my life, there’s more to a good fishing spot than a meathole full of stocked trout. I’ll probably keep on fishing there until I’m dead, remembering good times stream side, with the full realization that the memories may have been a+, but the actual fishing was mainly c+.

In short, it’s a great spot when they stock it, and the cold water makes it a pretty good spot from mid May through mid March.
Thanks for taking the time to prep this informative write-up for those of us who have only heard about it, but never seen it. Enjoyed your comments about the number of springs downstream and the observation regarding popeye. Sheds new light on an old subject.
I never remember a problem with only brook trout in the run and I was fishing it in the 70s. Yes, the springs that feed the lake do have too much nitrogen. One way to break it down is to aerator the water. Thus, if it was free flowing it more than likely would take care of this problem. The YBAC started to raise fish in the run alongside the fly shop and soon discovered the nitrogen problem. They then moved it down in the lake to the Karacof ( spelling) property in crude-built pens. At that point they never had any problem to my knowledge. This is about 100 yrds down from the end of the run at the shop.
The run below the lake has not held any fish to speak of in many years. The YBAC just stock the lake, so I assume the fish in the run you speak of were from that stocking. The runs water change when the dam I know as Kunkles pond (Some call the Wittlinger dam) was starting to deteriorate and water from the main creeks flow was reduced, then they started to drain the lake every winter. This removed a large amount of habituate for insect life. The ducks used to dislodge many scuds and they ended up in the run. Thus, this created a large food supply. Prior to the creek water being permanently diverted we used to get Sulphurs in the run. Also, a fishable number of duns came off in the lower lake where the creek water came into the lake. This was many years ago but a handful of us fished this hatch in that area. Twenty plus years ago the run held hundreds of fish year-round. There were fishermen there daily with the exception of severe winter snowstorms and very frigid temperatures. Working at the fly shop we received a lot of business from fishermen that were devoted run fishermen. There was a local group of mainly retires that had their daily get together at the pavilion on the run. Many local businesses such as the gas station, local restaurants and local lodging were glad the run made their business profitable. This is something of the past. Perhaps with some stream improvement and a few years letting the lakes vegetation return we will see some positive results.
For the OP, I can only assume that the logic behind renovation is based on the lake, inlet, and outlet being more of a decoration than a fishery. During the spring/summer/fall, the B&B, Pub, eateries, and other owners like all the visits from App Trail hikers and other people passing through. Wintertime, people find it nice to see a lit-up Christmas tree floating on a raft and all the luminaria surrounding the lake.
Even if it was an actual "Children's only Lake" it isn't likely that trout fishing would improve.
...I'm thinking of writing to the township (or whatever municipal entity it is) parks and rec operation to suggest they plant a few trees along the creek. Hopefully no one will protest on the grounds of needing backcast room.

The PA Fish & Boat Commission owns the sliver of property that includes the area that was "modified" so you would need to write your letter to them requesting tree plantings.

South Middleton Township owns the property that includes the parking area and the unaffected portion of the Run...
6X I do not agree on the fishing would not get any better on the lake. We used to get decent fly hatches on the lake. Early in the year we had a very good fishable callibaetis hatch. Early summer saw fishable numbersof sulphurs on the lower end. All year long there was plenty of midges and over abounadts of scuds, we called them fresh water shrimp. The fishes flesh would turn orangish pink inside flesh from eating them. You could go there in all 4 seasons and see and catch quality fish. There was also pickrel and red eyes for the taking.The bait fishermen never complained about the quality of the fishing either.
The name childrens lake came from the request ( demand) of a large donnor. Mr. Masland would only give they funding if the name was changed. Most, perhaps all locals did not apprecialte renaming the lake after a hundred plus years. Aslo there used to be sveral elderly locals that would sit on the buckets and still fish it regurlary. Unfortunatley these folks were denided that access.
6X I do not agree on the fishing would not get any better on the lake.
I intended my comments to attempt an answer to the OP for the logic behind recent improvements. We still like to fish in the Run and main stem of the Creek. Maybe a temporary Children- and Seniors-only rule on the lake could lessen some of the pressure.
We already have a youth mentor trout opening the week prior to the regular opening and I think that is a good thing. However many adults enjoy it more then the children. I remember one opening day on the lake a few years ago when it was very cold and windy. There were several youth wanting to go home prior to the opening time but parents forced them to stay for another hour then to start fishing. This does not support youth wanting to go fishing. Also when the lake is youth only many adults do the fishing. I have seen several times where adults are casting lures and not a child in sight. A few days after the opening it can be hard to find 2 or 3 youth fishing. This seems like a waste of regulations.
Unfortunatley the run has not held any fish so to speak in over 5 years. The plunge pool had a vew but only 1/10 of what used to be there. Since the last lake renovation I have not seen a trout, fall fish or sucker in the run. This tells me something. It should be stocked very shortly by the club along with the rest of the stream and lake so we shall see how long they hold there. In my opinion it will be not long, no food no fish.
in quick order.
As for the hikers bring in money into the area that was not a drop in the bucket compared to what the fishermen brought. I base this on working at the fly shop for over 30 years, livinge on front street and a few miles out of town currently. The fly fishing industry along with general tourism would bring in the lion share of $ year round. Anyone who was in town the opening day of trout would agree to that.
It is my understanding that because of the current conditions, Yellow Breeches Anglers will no longer stock The Run. Have no idea what the state will do.
That may be true JoeB. I was at the fall outing- gun rafle last week talking to Randy R. ( nursery manager) and he mentioned stocking. I may have just assume he meant all the normal stops.
The club did stock on Saturday, but did not put any fish in the run. They will be stocking the lake again next month, but again nothing for the run.
I did not check my news leter on when they were stocking but I knew it would be recent or it did happen. I have not seen many fishermen recently. I guess the rain has keep many away. I was told there will be a formal opening gala for the lake and that is when they will restock it a second time. Perhaps with the recent rains the clup can receive the rest of there fingerlings and open the other raceway?