LL Bean Nippers - Wow, what a price point!



Active member
Dec 14, 2008
Just got the LL Bean fishing catalog. i always enjoy leafing through them to see whats new, but rarely buy Bean (though I do like some of their clothes).

I don't mind spending money for quality equipment and I am not a financial prude, but I saw a pair of nippers that shocked me with the price - $39.95. After all, these are really nothing more than a glorified pair of fingernail clippers!

People that buy, more power to you - hope they are all that you want. But man, $40 for NIPPERS!

Here they are. Funny thing, the reviews are awful - reviews are that the magnets fall out, do not cut well and don't function as designed.

Everyone is offering "designer" nippers after Abel offered them for 50 bucks, now Hatch has a pair for 100! 40 is a bargain, lol.
Where native trout abound.

Ha. Chaz- what you say?
Wow! Hard to pass up that free shipping. I do like some of their clothing as well but don't think I'll be buying many of their fishing accessories.
Those nippers are ridiculous. For the same price, you can buy 8-10 pair at Bass Pro or off the Fish Guy out in Montana. And once you find the sharp spot on them, they cut just as well as any other and I can lose 7 of them and still have 1 or 2 left...

All the same, I've never had a bad experience with Bean stuff. I have the Kennebec waist highs and they are the best I've ever owned. The two most durable pair of wading shoes I've ever owned were from Bean.

We're going to Quebec this year to dredge for walleye and throw bunny buggers for Pike. I need a new medium action spinning rod, but don't want to spend a lot. I'm seriously considering one they offer for $65 in the new catalog. I think pretty highly of their quality and customer service...
I've seen some nippers in other catalogs that sell for close to $100. So, I guess that compared with that, those bean nippers aren't too bad. Although I still wouldn't pay $40 for nippers either.

I''m in need of boot foot hippers. And bean has a pair of them in the catalog - with a price of $190 though. In spite of that legendary guarantee, I still don't think I want to shell out that much for hip boots.
On the other hand, the ultralight stocking foot chest waders - selling for $200 - seems like a reasonable buy. But I don't really need chest waders right now
I think I had a gift card or maybe there was a sale and I considered getting a pair at a greatly reduced price then I read the reviews. Like Letort said, really negative. I just got a catalog in the mail the other day and looked expecting to see the nippers are now marketed as "improved" for 2016. Nope! Same product.

Yea the mark up for fly fishing cracks me up, I buy the nippers at the grocery store check out for a dollar a peice. I've been using the same one for years... All I really need them to do is cut some 5x tippet, much easier than my toenails!
Not to hijack your thread....but has anyone ever tried that insect repelling clothing? That's what really caught my eye.
Rleep2..looking for an inexpensive spinning rod?
Just back from the Naples area fishing LM bass while making the "Gated Community" tour visiting friends and relatives:)

I bought 2 6ft spinning rods for for under $12 at Walmart that can be broken down into two 3ft sections(so I can fit them in my luggage)Hard to believe since they cast really well..I don't know if Walmart in the NE has the same deal but worth a try IMO.

$40 nippers??No way.

Not exactly what you are asking, but I have tick repellent pants from Columbia for work. They are absolutely effective on ticks! Can't say if they repel anything else but protection against ticks is huge.
LMAO send me your basic pair of nippers and I'll paint the "L.L. Bean" on for half that price!!!
Just ordered a pair for myself. Right after I sent my Spring Ridge dues check in for the year.
I should clarify - my gillie usually handles the menial tasks like line cutting, shot placement, tying on flies and landing my fish so I guess whatever he's happy with as far as nippers go is fine with me. Often he bites the line with his teeth and he has this very noticeable notch in his left incisor that just really gives him character.
The latest Cabelas catalog mailed to me has Van Staal pliers priced at $314.99 and $359.99. I'm doubtful it's a typo.
wow, and here i'am still using the little revlon finger nail clippers that i stole from my sister almost 25 years ago...color me out of style i guess.
I was going to mention the Van Staal plyers. Ridiculous price? Maybe......ok, probably.

You aren't going to believe this......
They make $1500 rods, $300+ forceps, $100 nippers and all kinds of stuff that many would consider a silly price. You know why they make it ? Because someone's buying it. I'm guessing it's not you based on your outrage.

Where's your outrage about $799 waders, $100 flylines, $1500 rods, $300 nets or $500 reels? A lot more of that crap being sold when compared to the bedazzled drugstore fingernail clippers. I'm actually outraged at people not being outraged. LOL

The pricing of some merchandise borders on absurd. I guess there's plenty of people that are keeping up with the Jones's or insist on the best (but all they are getting is the most expensive....not necessarily the best). Not worth getting excited about IMO
I wouldn't say I'm "outraged". Just pointing out a absurd price for pliers. You are correct though, they wouldn't make it if there wasn't a market.
If somebody designed a pair of $5000 nippers and made them out of a rare metal like unobtantanium, some guy would buy them. Doesn't make them better or practical. Hell, you go to BassPro and the basic nippers are $12-$25.