Live the Stream



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
Watched this and thought very highly of the film.

What I liked about this film follows:
1. Easy to follow and understand
2. Joe H. as himself
3. Joes family
4. Joes friends
5. Dedication
6. Knowledge
7. Perseverance
8. Attitude
10. Triumph

A local man from Pa. that has given and dedicated his life to what he believes to be true! This film, I view as more than a fishing show, I would think a "True Love Story". Not only on the water but off the water as well!

Now, some may view this a little different, maybe with some bitterness but what this " Fine Gentleman has done", well he delivered a message we can all follow. "Love of Life and Family plus some Damn Good Fishing". Most of us can not keep this together, a week, a month, a year or more. Keeping it together his whole life, well, that is the true miracle of Joe H. He has got it and I want some!

Thank you Joe and Family! Kind of wish I was related to this loving family! "One thing for sure, I would eat and catch more trout".

maxima12 wrote:

Now, some may view this a little different, maybe with some bitterness.....

No bitterness here, but I have no love for Humphreys.

This is from firsthand experience with him.

I just don't like the man.

Others are free to feel differently.
Coldbore, . "How Dare You"! No Love, Huh, did not think this was love, I thought it was business. You name it, yes business man Joe H.., Family Man , Dedicated, Wrestler, Outdoorsman, Fly fisher, Teacher, Lecturer, Administrater, Loyalist, Pal, Friend, Author and about 1000 other things.

Do I like him! No! I am jealous, Why could it not be me!

Well, I had little or less time, maybe drank too much, shook all the wrong hands!

Seems one thing for sure, sure am glad Joe H. was around, Did not follow him around, did not buy any books, did not fish with the man.

But throughout my life seen him in action, time after time and you would see this if you fished. Joe, generally on Spring or Fishing Creek with a "BOATLOAD", of followers!

Seen it my whole life and also all Fly Fishing Meets! How does one person go everywhere, have a loving family, teach a class, restore watersheds, public meets and greets, Guide presidents and stars and sleep at night! "YOU TELL ME".


with deepest respect to Joe, George, Norm and Ed!

just tagging along at my leisure pace, unknown and :Who gives a s--T.

maxima12 wrote:

Coldbore, . "

..and you would see this if you fished.


Yeah, you got me. That's it, I just don't fish enough. :roll:
coldBore what is your beef with Hump? Just curious. i have never met the man to be clear.
mcwillja wrote:

coldBore what is your beef with Hump?

No matter what I say to that, somebody is going to tell me that I'm "wrong", because they feel otherwise.

So I'll just say that after being around him, and fishing around him, I have no use for the man.

That's my personal experience and impression. As I said earlier, others are free to feel differently.
Coldbore, i am not against you in any ways for your personal thoughts, sometimes personal and professional get mixed. By means, Myself just as a fisherman, I have limited use for story tellers, book writers, lecturers and so on. Myself, developing a personal business in the fly fishing sport, well, I become more aware of those, lecturers, book writers, teachers, etc.

They bring new people to the sport and thus, some will use my products. Professionally as a business standpoint, Great! As a personal stand, I just hold my breath and shake my head.

Sometimes bite the bullet but always careful the bullet does not bite back!
Well, i am gonna watch it again! A friend and a night out! We like fishing and we like Joe! It is always fun, a night out, with fishing pals. It is tough because everyone can't come!

Popcorn, a beer, and a friendly memory and a memory before that and another! Yes, then another. Joe's quite in the middle of my life, glad you there! I could not do it, all the kids, all the rods, all the inexperience! Joe, how did you! A remarkable man, dedicated sweet, to the point!

Now is a good time, Joe a lot older! Question, "what will we do when Joe is gone". Well, me for one is going to give up! My voice through Joe will never be heard again! Example"; George Harvey, when was the last time you heard his voice! Do you remember, or have you forgotten! This is the reason Maxima12, talks in riddles! I really do not like what you stand for, here. I would say, abusive, undemocratic, forgetful! Forget, yep, the pull of license that keeps you square are all the non fly fishermen! Mom and dad, sister and sons, I guess fishing worms and having the best day ever!

I do not like you people, people that want the Pa. Commission to fail! People that want it for free! People that just complain!

Keep complaining rat, sooner or later you will meet the cat!

maxima12 wrote:
This is the reason Maxima12, talks in riddles! I really do not like what you stand for, here. I would say, abusive, undemocratic, forgetful! Forget, yep, the pull of license that keeps you square are all the non fly fishermen! Mom and dad, sister and sons, I guess fishing worms and having the best day ever!

I do not like you people, people that want the Pa. Commission to fail! People that want it for free! People that just complain!

Keep complaining rat, sooner or later you will meet the cat!


PAFF is a great place to visit with a lot of good folks concerned about fishing and conservation as well as having fun fly-fishing.

If you dislike the site and members so much, why not just leave?

Many folks are growing tired of your diatribe on here, Sir.
afishinado wrote:

PAFF is a great place to visit with a lot of good folks concerned about fishing and conservation as well as having fun fly-fishing.

If you dislike the site and members so much, why not just leave?

Many folks are growing tired of your diatribe on here, Sir.

Yes, well said.

And I have a sneaking suspicion that some of Maxima's code-talking is directed at me, because I don't worship at the "Altar of Joe".

Ah well, I guess I can live with that.
Yes, your right, i am gonna leave, when i want to! I will take 500 with me! Diatribe a big word, give you 5 cents for the use! To play a soft hand has never been my way. Strong and bold! I am in this to win! Win, i am not getting any value out of it! The win, is an understanding of what is "going on". I do not dislike you as persons, i dislike the un sportsman conduct! Jerks, fools, flatbrimmers, obsessive Millenials, not right, ruin the sport, fast talking, fast walking, in big black cars! Do you really think it is true! Think again, Step aside for a better look! Or will you live forever! The new, is the new and they do not like the old you! Maybe they do not like the old me! But the old me, better move aside, pause, look and listen. I might learn a thing or two!

I am worried about Pa. Fish Commission, nothing else, without it, do you really think there is enough wild trout. Not enough to go around in my book! You hurt the sport by not giving the true "thank you" to all the other fishermen! Yes, this is fly fishing but majority just likes to fish! A man, a great man, once told me, the others think were snobs! That was 25 years ago and "have we changed".

I do not know about you but the road has never been a straight, clear walk! You talk about a hard ride, it has always been hard!

Afish, how hard was it for you! Seems you have been around but you managed not to stay in one place! Wonder, was it you, or the times! Maxima12 has stayed, 1 place. And one place means----Fishing for everyone. Just fish, just enjoy, eat some and be happy!

Yours with sympathy;

maxima12 wrote:

Yes, your right, i am gonna leave, when i want to! I will take 500 with me!

See ya, and good luck with that.



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Looks to me like a photo of Johnny Ringo! Maybe! I see the, Live the Stream has alittle more now! It was stagnet at 114, seems a fight on hand, Between good and bad!

Me being a better, i would wager good will outshine 8 to 1! And for you other boys, i am all in! Getting back to the usual! Joe H. has done more for Pa. than you will ever know, he blew his horn softly, with a tune we will all remember! Let me ask this question? An aging George Harvey, who seems still in good standing, dressed to please and taken everywhere by Joe H. I am sure George and joe's schedule did not meet! Good, Joe, made sure Harvey lived, when Harvey could not do it by himself . Now you may think this is rumor? I saw it, to be true! You would be lucky to make friendship with Joe H. because that friendship will last to the end! Even if you can not drive, can't walk and can't talk!

Well bye, Yes, hope you have a great time by yourself! You will never know the bond, never! I think you will never know the truth!

You brushed by but I had a chance to meet, a gentleman, a athlete, a teacher, a businessman and a really cool guy! The only man I ever knew that got 25 hours out of a 24 hour day! You fish and fish on, because of guys like Joe H. You put him down! I guess I should follow you to tomorrow. But, tomorrow will never come.

I clap for and applaud the doer's, I sit back and notice the "think I wills". Do you think you will! Only a special person can! Do you have what it takes! Again, if I am to follow you, do you offer a better ending! Let's see!

Live the Stream, get a glimpse, see what you have been missing! More than fishing, i would think a better way to live! and i have, "Envy". Wish my life was a little more straightened out!


Again, where are the Gals and the Youth on this site. I guess there coming about 6:30, your time! What time you got brother! Clock is ticking!

One thing i found out about Millennials, they like you or forget you, real fast! I hope they like me and give me the :chance". We will be going 5g soon, i need the new to keep me from being old! You know it, young and wise, versus old and fat.
Just watched this on amazon prime the other night, with my wife.
Both of us enjoyed it - and she doesn't even fish.

I ran into Joe on spring creek once several years ago.
Had some nice conservation with him, and thought he seemed to be a pretty likable guy.

I guess what ever ones thoughts are about him, any person would have to admit that he's lived a pretty amazing life
I’m stuck in COVID quarantine and stumbled across this film on NBC Peacock. It’s a very well done documentary of a life well-lived. Regardless of your personal feelings toward the man, it’s hard to refute his accomplishments and all he has done for the fly fishing community. If I’m doing half of what he is at his age, I’ll be happy!