Live The Stream: The Story of Joe Humphreys



Mar 10, 2010
If you are a fly angler in PA you know Joe and you know his story is one that we all would want to see. Well there is a film in the works about just that and they currently are just starting up a fundraising to finish up the film. Lost of cool perks and the trailer has officially been released.

Thanks for sharing this and the link to donate. Looking forward to the release.
As I said on the other thread about this, I think the funds for this ought to come from his cronies at the homewaters (aka spring ridge) club.

JH made a lot of money from people of average means during his time and "thanked" them/us by supporting beaver's empire. Shame on him.
Rrt, can you expand on your opinion with a backstory? I'm interested due to the fact I like local fly fishing history.
JH made his reputation by catching many fish and by following the great George Harvey as the fly-fishing instructor at Penn State. JH caught a large trout during his hey-day that was then the state record brown trout, though there are several interesting stories about how, where he actually got that fish. He wrote two books that were scooped up by us anglers of average means, and he made a number of videos that people bought as well. For the most part, most of us considered him a paragon of fly-fishing.

However, when donny beaver formed his spring ridge club, now known as homewaters club that tries, often successfully, to remove publicly accessible private water for the use of its members, humphreys was one of several well-known fly-fishermen who became members of this evil empire and who lent their (his) support to the empire. He had made a great deal of money hawking his goods to anglers of average means who obviously cannot join beaver's exclusive rich men's club. (At one time, it was rumored to cost $90,000 to join, $5000/year dues, and several hundred dollars a day in day fees to fish.)

Because humphreys, barry & cathy beck, and bernard kreh support this evil empire, I have lost all fly-fishing respect and any admiration I ever had for any of them.

I guess that's about as concise as I can be.
I know Joe Humphreys as a great personality and a great angler but I know a little...
Thanks for the synopsis, rrt. I can see how you came to your stance and I don't blame you one bit.

Now didn't Joe just follow Harvey's steps with private clubs? Wasn't Harvey a member (maybe founding member) of the Spruce Creek private club?

I don't like private clubs any more than the next guy, and I probably hate pelletheads more than most. I'm just interested in the local history from those that have seen it or been involved.
Agree with rrt.

There was a whole crew up in Spring Cr last fall with cameras etc....probably working on this thing.

Let that club fund it....Leisure class, elitist, millionaires. Same bunch that took over miles of Pine and lower Elk in Center Co too I think?

There is already plenty on Humphries on youtube and elsewhere. The whole flyfishing celeb thing is getting old anyway. The books, stream guides, tours, conventions, movies, internet....all miss the point for the most part. We all know the best fishermen are never heard of. Thankfully.
We all know the best fishermen are never heard of

Great line man. That could be the start of a great short story or essay. :)
I am sorry one transgression and questionable choice by someone does not take away all the positive. Joe helped and still does help the legacy of teaching and passing on his passion for the sport to anyone that would listen. What he has doe for fly fishing in PA and across this county for that matter is remarkable and well worth some praise.

"What he has doe for fly fishing in PA and across this county for that matter is remarkable and well worth some praise."

Like a million other guys who never made a dime doing it.
I've seen plenty of Joe in person and on YouTube. I have no interest in lending my financial support to a film about him. I just don't get this whole crowd funding concept for this purpose or any other.

Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I felt it was the most appropriate place to post this.

I donated to this campaign several years ago, prior to being aware of Joe's involvement with Homewaters. Anyway, I forgot all about it until yesterday when I saw a Facebook announcement that stated the film was complete and would be debuting at several national film festivals. I publically asked the question on Facebook as to when the people who donated to the film would be receiving their copy of the film, I already knew what the response would be but wanted to hear it from them. The producer replied to me in a private message stating that backers will not get their copies until after all of the film festivals are over. When I told them that was not cool and that the backers basically paid for their film and they turned around and will show it to thousands of people before the people who paid for the film actually get to view it, they blocked me on their site.

I really don't care to see the film now that I know Mr. Humphreys involvement with "The Beav", but I feel that people should know what kind of people the producers of the film are and that they are as slimy as Joe.
I am going to echo the rest of what is being said. He is also a member of the union county sportsman club and at the meeting on penns creek I really lost all respect. He supported the stocking over class a wild trout. Then went on to say he couldn’t catch wild trout on penns and that the stockies really let him catch some rising fish. Even though we all know that’s bs, that wasn’t the part that rubbed me wrong. Everyone got their time to speak, but when it was Dave Rothrock time to speak joe stood up interrupted Dave and made him have less time because he didn’t wanna hear what Dave had to say. I was literally baffled. But we had to listen to his full rediculous rant.

There is a video out there on the penns creek meeting.
IdratherbePhishing wrote:
I am going to echo the rest of what is being said. He is also a member of the union county sportsman club and at the meeting on penns creek I really lost all respect. He supported the stocking over class a wild trout. Then went on to say he couldn’t catch wild trout on penns and that the stockies really let him catch some rising fish. Even though we all know that’s bs, that wasn’t the part that rubbed me wrong. Everyone got their time to speak, but when it was Dave Rothrock time to speak joe stood up interrupted Dave and made him have less time because he didn’t wanna hear what Dave had to say. I was literally baffled. But we had to listen to his full rediculous rant.

There is a video out there on the penns creek meeting.

Id like to see this video, any idea where it is?
If anybody is interested, the Pittsburgh premier is Thursday at the Oaks in Oakmont. Wait... really? Why there?

Joe will be there. Partial proceeds from ticket sales to benefit Casting for Recovery. The cost is $25 per ticket.
Wait... really? Why so much?
From their Facebook page:

We are thrilled to announce that after almost 4 years of production, festivals, screenings, and connecting with fantastic sponsors and audiences, we have ** BIG NEWS! ** The entire Live The Stream: The Story of Joe Humphreys team is delighted to announce that our multi-award winning feature documentary has been acquired by Gravitas Ventures, a Red Arrow Studios International company and a leading all rights distributor of independent feature films and documentaries. November 5th, 2019 is our global release date - when Joe’s film will begin to hit digital platforms worldwide, starting with iTunes and more. It will be available to pre-order on iTunes starting on October 6th. As first-time filmmakers, we’re extremely honored to partner with Gravitas Ventures and can’t wait to bring Joe’s story to a worldwide audience! Thank you all! More info: