Little Scuylkill water level question



Sep 26, 2012
Does anyone know at what level it is fishable? It appears to be running at 123 cfs now. But i have no idea what is normal or fishable
For that stream.

Never fished it but if you can find it on the usgs water guages they should give you an idea of what normal is if you look at the past month or so.
I was there last night. It was higher than usual, and slightly off color but you could still see the bottom. I don't really know what level its fishable at, but it was just past whatever that number is. This was all right where the gauge is. If it doesn't pour tonight it will probably be ok tomorrow.
I would say it's fishablejudging ny the current flow compared the the median. But that's a guess. I have fished it and it fishes well when it's up a little.
It's absolutely fine at that level and it's dropping. Wading becomes very difficult around 200.