Little Sandy FFO



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
Took the day to help stock Little Sandy this year. There were about 10-20 TIMES too many people needed to carry buckets. But I DID see that trout were put in the upper section of the FFO water below the foot bridge. This is a really nice, smooth piece of water that had a lot of work done on it a few years ago to stabilize the banks and provide habitat. It's good water for dryfly fishing and has depth and holds fish. 8 buckets were planted in the water below the bridge.

Last year there were NO fish in here. TThere just were none stocked there. However, there were so many fish up well outside the FFO section in just one root wad scour hole that the stream bottom looked black. And they didn't spread out.

This piece of water is a great 'exhibition' water. People come from Ohio, Pittsburgh and Erie for early flyfishing and to have this water right at the parking area and can early dryfly fishing is great. It was a main early season destination in the start of my flyfishing and I started getting good at placing a sz. 16 little black stone fly around the alder limbs stretching out into the stream.

So it's stocked and waiting for midges and early black stones to get rolling on top.

I caught 2 or 3 stocked bows last year right below the footbridge are absolutely right, a lot of fish upstream above the FFO section, preseason......Don't know what happened to them after the season opened?...... Ever do any good at the pool below the R.R. Track crossing ? Seems like a lot of Jack Leg poachers frequent that spot and I really never got to fish it because of this fact......
I never did great there. Too deep and the trout seem to stay on the bottom. Never went there during a hatch, either. Too far to walk back in the dark with all the multiflora briars.
I fished it last Saturday ( before the stocking), it has some of the prettiest wild brownies I’ve ever seen