Little Sandy Creek, Venango co.



New member
Apr 27, 2013
Back in the 70's I spent many magical days on L. Sandy Creek, fishing mainly from the Pumphouse down to Rt 62. I have slides of wild brown and native brookies, and memories of some dear old friends, a few of whom have gone on to fish water on the other side, but who still fish the spinner falls with me, just out of view. I've moved since then and have never gone back, prefering to fish it in memories that Time cannot take away.

There was a small but productive mid-summer Trico flight in certain sections just a little after 7 AM. And I remember Green Drakes and a wonderful Sulphur hatch. Late summer morning trips proved rewarding with crickets and deer hair beetles on long, fine tippets if one dressed in drab colors and took the time to be stealthy.

I'm wondering, do any of you folks still fish that lovely little stream, and if you do, how are your days on that water?? Are there still native browns in the pocket water above the Trestle Pool and at the Pumphouse ?
I think there was just a report about it recently in the stream reports section.
Nice write - up. A lot said with few words. I can picture it!
I fish it a occasionally.
Spent a few hours on it last sept - up and down stream of that pump house. It was loaded with chubs and fall fish then. I didn't catch a trout, and my buddy caught 1. We were fishing beetles, and maybe the trout just weren't interested in them that day.
Anyway, we didn't stick around very long - and moved on to more productive water.
I've caught plenty of good sized and good looking wild browns from LSC since getting to know the stream over the last 6 or 7 years. The last 2 to 3 years have been down years IMO. There have been a couple episodes of extreme high water that have had a negative effect on a couple of stretches of the stream, a large portion of the FFO area being one of them.

Even with these changes I've still had some memorable days. The FFO area isn't the true character of the stream. It is a small stream first and foremost, and as such it is still pretty good IMO.
