Little Lehigh this week



Active member
Mar 7, 2014
Hoping to hit the LL later this week. Any fly suggestions? How are conditions?
I am not sure on conditions but nyphm a tandem rig, non bead head pheasant tail on top and micro egg below. Weight accordingly. Be patient and have fun!
Look for some fall caddis, and always carry some Al's Rats. Tricos. BWO's
Thanks, guys. Will let you know how I do.
PT was the trick to fool this pretty fall-colored rainbow.


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Thanks for the advice, Bobert. Patience was certainly the key. I started off with a miserable encounter beLow the bridge with sticker bushes and brush. Managed to learn new ways of tangling my rig. Then I slowed down and started really casting well and generally enjoying myself. When I finally switched to the PT and egg rig you recommended, I saw this guy materialize in a riffle and inhale the nymph. Nice fight in fast water. A thick fish that I didn't measure but I suspect was about 15". Aside from some obvious heron damage, he seemed pretty healthy and fat.
Nice fish

You're welcome! Glad you were able to enjoy yourself. It's a fun stream that always has fish but they can be quite picky at times.
nice going. do you put any shot on that rig or free fish it ?

I always found free fishing small nymphs worked better on tailwater trout in clear water - thread nymphs were best.


I typically run weight in between both flies
I think if I did anything wrong it was not getting the fly deep. I had a weighted PT on that the rainbow took. It was a pretty shallow riffle and he materialized out of nowhere to swipe it.
Sounds like a size 22 RS2 will do well there, as it does everywhere. Thank you, Rim Chung. On the weight issue, out west they say the difference between a good fly fisherman and a great one is one split shot. True words, my default setting is a split shot 18" above to get it down; that said free form fishing nymphs probably works right if emergers are around.

Just my $.02, probably worth less and YMMV.