Little Lehigh Ideal CFS?

OK, I finally hit the Little Lehigh section 8 last Friday and yesterday.

Fishing has been very good to excellent, so stream decline comments will be tabled for now. Got a few on chamois worms, sucker spawn and scuds, but hot action was when midges were hatching when it was a fish on every third cast kind of fishing on larvae/emergers for 30 minutes or so. No real dry action yet. In between hot periods best action was still with midges - small stuff around size 22 seems to work best. Latest nymph techniques are really an improvement over my older high stick techniques. IMHO, the competition guys have plenty to teach us. The first day back in years I was a little shaky, but tuned up fairly fast with suggestions from the regulars. One day got 4 on streamers to finish the day, next day streamers struck out.

Nearly everybody fishes from Kiddie pool down for a couple of hundred yards. Plenty of fish there, but actually had my best fishing away from there. Will not comment where, but plenty of fish in a number of spots where I saw no one else fishing.

As to fish, mostly browns up to 18" or so with roughly half beautifully colored wild fish . Plenty of regular sized rainbows, and a large beat up looking brookie each day. All fish fought hard (except one ugly brookie) and a few rainbows even jumped.

Many stream changes, but not going to go on about the good old days. Go fishing now!
Lies, I was just there. No fish seen!