Little J Weekend



Feb 4, 2013
Hey Guys,
I know a lot of you have a bunch of experience on the Little J. I want to do a weekend in April obviously you can not predict the weather but I want to get your opinion for a good weekend to lock down when the water flow is good. Im out the weekend of the 9th. If you guys had to recommend a place to pitch a tent and a weekend to go along with other advice for a traveling weekend please let me know. I just this spring started on the dry fly addiction and want to make a poor college kids trip to get in on the action.
Thanks for your time,
Green Hills campground is on the banks of the Little J. This is where you wan to pitch your tent.

Any of the last 3 weeks of April will be fine for fishing. Expect caddis, olives, and blue quills on top. Hendricksons are making a comeback on the lower river, so maybe prepare for that as well.
In the April timeframe, water levels are very difficult to predict even a week or two in advance, much less 6 months!

But if you go to central PA in late April throughout the month of May, chances are good that something will be fishable. Most spring storms hit one area hard and not so bad in another spot. Some streams don't come up so easily, and some fall faster than others.

It's fine to have a preference for the J, but every time I've planned months in advance for a location locked into a specific stream (Penns, the J, etc.), I've gotten burned. Conditions end up poor and you end up travelling farther than you should have to somewhere else, wishing you stayed somewhere closer to there.

I usually find the best approach if you are planning months in advance is to just reserve something at a place and time in the middle of it all. And then go into it with an open mind that you're gonna choose the best available option given the conditions. So something later in May where sulphers are a sure thing. Maybe closer to State College still in striking distance of the J, but bringing Spring, Penns, BFC, Kish, and mountain freestoners into view as well.

And, as I say that, just come to the jam! It was pretty much designed for exactly what I'm saying. Location is right on nothing but in striking distance of everything on the south side of State College. Penns and Spring are 20-30 minutes, BFC and the LJR under an hour, and lots of other stuff. Timing is about as centralized as can be to assure there will be hatches, whether things are late and it's March Browns and olives, on time with Sulphers, or early with drakes, and potentially all of the above. It's at a campground, can tent fairly cheaply. In addition to fishing, lots of like minded people and general merriment comes with. As well as lots of potential fishing partners who have lots of experience at just about any water you want to try.

Anyway, it's usually the weekend before Memorial Day at 7 mountains campground. I assume the same will hold true next year. Saturday is the main day for socialization but a large number come early in the week, and some always stay the week following.
Check out this Campground if you like quiet.

Camp Blue Diamond
RV Park/Campground in Petersburg, Pennsylvania
Petersburg, PA 16669-0240
Thanks for the info guys. I would love to come to the jam. I have a commitment May 6 to May 20 which is why I am kind of in a rough spot timing wise. The only reason I am planning one weekend so far in advance is because If I dont then it may get by me come spring. All good points made which is what i am looking for. Thanks!