Little J Case goes to bed! Yeah!

David wrote:
Weren't there threats of physical injury to people who walked down from spruce creek or up from Barree even though it was
legal? Is that still a concern for this stretch?

I have never heard of threats of violence. There were threats of arrest. I'm sure that can't be credible anymore. Also the court required the no trespass signs (for the river) taken down. So you should be able to wade or float the whole section. However, if you walk up on someone's lawn, you are trespassing. So keep that in mind. I'd think that the ESPY stretch is a looooong way to wade.
I fished the "closed waters" multiple times over the years. I was actually encouraged to do it by some locals. We were told that the State Police in the area were sympatric to the fisherman and nothing would happen if they were called about us trespassing. My buddy and i would wade right down and fish the entire closed stretch. We never made a show or tried to confront any of the SRC staff. We were polite and gave them a wide berth. They did come down a stare us down and several time the took photos of us. These guys were in it as a business and are not stupid. I think that there was a lot of spin / misinformation on what would happen if you fished the area. It is like the crazy local stories at Dunbar Creek.
David wrote:
Weren't there threats of physical injury to people who walked down from spruce creek or up from Barree even though it was legal? Is that still a concern for this stretch?

In the pre-Beaver era, one individual pushed and shoved Alan Bright as he was wading the river. I saw this with my own eyes. He and another guy also cast spinners with treble hooks across flyfishers lines, then broke off their tippet and fly. I not only saw this, they did it to me.

The state police were sitting on the hood of their car in the Espy lot, but none of this activity seemed to interest them much. This was during the Fish In, back in the day. We had agreed in advance that we would not participate in any kind of violence, and we stuck to that.

But I don't think there will be any such problems now that the court case has been decided.
I have a question. Has Beaver been required to take down the signs he littered all over the first island downstream from the bridge in Sruce Creek. Acristickid, Leo, and I were fishing there last year....did great. Spoke with evil emperor himself (what a forked tongue) for awhile. I remember the signs were everywhere on the island. He doesn't own the land WITHIN the river does he? Just asking. What amazes me in all of this is his supposed Christian background; a deacon or whatever in his church. What a hypocrite. If he was a true Christian his stance would be much different. I'm a devout atheist/rationalist who's been converted and simply blown away by the wonderment of evolution, natural selection, the scientific method, and logic....though I do respect those who believe in God.
Thanks guys!