Little J access

Sal -

Just curious - where did you talk to him at?

I used to run into him frequently at a certain hole on the lower part of the river.
And it was pretty clear that he was off his rocker.

I never saw him fishing.
But he's telling people that the fish numbers are crashing?

Did he tell you that the spill killed off all of the "crabs" in the river?
And that was the major source of food for the fish.
He used to tell me that over and over......

FWIW - I've been fishing the river for almost 40 years.
And honestly feel that things have never been better.
Mostly a result of the no-kill regs IMO.

When I started fishing there, you could legally kill 8 fish a day.
And quite a few people used to do it.
I have vivid memories of people walking out of there with stringers full of large wild browns.

Then they started cutting back on harvest numbers.
Starting with a reduction to 5 a day.
Next step was when it went to trophy trout regs - 2 fish over 14".
And eventually no-kill.

And the size of the fish has just gotten better and better over the years IMO
One his facebook page discussed earlier in this thread.

Thank you much for the insight.
Yep he certainly thinks the numbers are crashing and even elludes to it will drive people to Penns and ruin that fishery :roll:
Sounds like the little j is doing fine.
I think I ran into this guy earlier this year, middle river. Seemed a bit off, but at the time it seemed like it could just be an older fellow who maybe lives alone and enjoys talking to people that are enjoying the river that hes enjoyed for a long time.
Among others he mentioned the crawfish thing, and had a few negative things to say about Bill and the LJRA. He didn't seem to like what I had to say and I left shortly after.

As far as the j goes, i've only been seriously fishing it for 9 or so years, but it doesnt seem to have changed too much. Sulphers seem lighter than in recent years, maybe my eyes were bigger back then idk.

Only thing that has changed is the number of people fishing it. 5-6 years ago you would count maybe 10 cars from Tyrone to Spruce during prime sulphur season. Many spots had zero.
This year, I counted close to 60 in this same section on a few occasions, including during the week. The shutdown probably played a role, but it's been getting worse every year and has gotten to the point to where I'm starting to look elsewhere during May.
There was definitely some kind of chemical spill that hammered the insect life very badly in the 1990s. He's not making that up.

That was very well known and widely discussed at the time. There were several theories about the source of the pollution. The theory he told you was the most popular, and may be correct. I don't know.

So no one was punished?

If so, i want you guys to consider this.

So you have a chemical spill, no one is punished. Then what Donny B tries to get it private, then the fingerlings arent stocked anymore, the pfbc claim comeback story.

Its not right what he is pushing but i can start to see why he got upset.
I think he thinks the Gov and the PFBC covered it all up. I dont know why but i think he does. Meanwhile more attacks come from the Don etc. Since Bill A was in the survey he thinks he is involved.

I feel bad for the guy.
Sal -

This spill happened during a flood - and maybe wasn't because of negligence.

Could well be possible that they really never found out exactly what happened too
For evw: 10 cars is a bit of an anomaly. 10 years ago a former member of the board who lived in Tyrone posted that he could not find a place to park on the J to get in a little fly-fishing after work. He mentioned 100 or more vehicles from Tyrone to Spruce Creek. He lamented he could not find a spot to do a little relaxing fishing after work. The LJR, as wonderful as it is, has long been grossly overfished. And now, with all the personal pontoon boats and kayak flotillas on the water, it is sometimes virtually impossible to fish at all. So sad, at least IMO.
Also, the new LJRA website notes that Mrs. Morrow's property is now open to fishing only. Hopefully people will not abuse the privilege as they have in the past.
Also, the new LJRA website notes that Mrs. Morrow's property is now open to fishing only. Hopefully people will not abuse the privilege as they have in the past.

Interesting wording. Maybe im seeing something not there but what else would they be doing there?
Sal: people screw with her religious signs she makes and I think campfires on her property and park on the grass.
Now that sucks. Sorry to hear that.
Not cool at all.
The first time I heard about the little j was on here 12 years ago. I remember reading about the cicada hatch around that time, I was not old enough to drive and had never caught a fish on a dry fly at that point. I fiinally fished it for the first and second time this year instead of the usual spring or penns trip. Amazing place, thankful for the opportunity get that stretch to myself and have the biggest brown trout of my life snap my leader in the whitewater last week!
"Took off to fish last week could not even finding parking in Barree. Sounds like u got the timing right."

"The first time I heard about the little j was on here..."


I guess social media has no effect on the fishing pressure on these streams?
"10 years ago a former member of the board who lived in Tyrone posted that he could not find a place to park on the J to get in a little fly-fishing after work. He mentioned 100 or more vehicles from Tyrone to Spruce Creek. He lamented he could not find a spot to do a little relaxing fishing after work. The LJR, as wonderful as it is, has long been grossly overfished."

Damn kids and their social media.
I can always find a spot

1) Behind sewage plant outside of Tyrone
2) Behind the Mill in Ironville
3) Lots of spots off Babe Road turnoff
4) Park at the USCG guage and walk up the road
5) Park at Spruce Creek Church
6) Park at Rothrock and hike up the trail