Little J access



New member
Jun 1, 2011
Could someone please explain to me if there is a new access situation on the Little J? I keep seeing stuff on the Little J Association Facebook page about PA Fish and Boat paying for access from the quarry company. The FB page also alludes to Donny Beaver involvement and that he's buying up access. It's very confusing to me.
In regards to the stone quarry access, I believe this is a reference to the access point owned by the company, New Enterprise. It was open to fishing previously but had been closed the past few years. If I understand everything correctly, the Little Juniata River Association worked to secure fishing access through a lease with New Enterprise. I'm not sure about the second part of your post with someone buying up access.
Flydoc wrote:
Could someone please explain to me if there is a new access situation on the Little J? I keep seeing stuff on the Little J Association Facebook page about PA Fish and Boat paying for access from the quarry company. The FB page also alludes to Donny Beaver involvement and that he's buying up access. It's very confusing to me.

I believe the FB you read is not the official Little J River Association site. There is a FB site with the title "Little Juniata" that posts mostly fake news about the Little J. Above NittanyBearcat gave you good info about the situation.

Here is the LJRA official site. You can trust the info posted on there.
exactly what afish wrote. There is a site run by a challenged individual who has, for reasons no one understands, a vendetta against the leaders of the LJRA.
I recommend you weigh what Bill and the organization has done with what appears on that site. One group improves, another levels unsupported conspiracy theories .
Access. The LJRA not only dedicated two years effort to get it opened, but also paid the initial 5,000 yearly "lease". The lease is really the cost of insurance. NESL is not making a dime. If funding is not found access will close this winter. There were some donations when access was announced, but the response should have been greater. I imagine thoughts of having PFBC incorporating it into their budget will evaporate with the expected economic consequences of the shutdown. A donation can be made via paypal on the website. Include the note access donation.
Don't listen to any propaganda you see on Facebook from Dick Crestood. He has a personal problem with Donny Beaver.
Nympho wrote:
Don't listen to any propaganda you see on Facebook from Dick Crestood. He has a personal problem with Donny Beaver.

Every PA angler should have a “personal problem” with Donny Beaver. That being said, Dick Crestwood is a bit off his rocker and wondering if it may be a bit of dementia.
Just to reiterate what others have said, the quarry property has reopened, thanks to the LJRA. The 'Little Juniata' Facebook page run by Dick Crestwood (AKA Dick Fogal) is complete bogus. That guy is whack.
I did not know Dick Fogal was still posting things anywhere. I do not do facebook, so I never see anything from that.

Re post 6: I have long opposed Donny's financial approach to fly-fishing, though my problem is not personal but is ethical. I have long advocated a rather populist approach to fly-fishing. However, after today (a mid-week afternoon), being unable to find a place to squeeze in on the Little Juniata and after several other incidents there, such as a big, blue raft-boat taking half of the river in its downstream float and spoiling the fishing for hours, I am starting to think maybe Beaver is partially right in limiting access so that a fisherman can enjoy fishing a hundred yards or so without stumbling over someone else. Or, maybe I'm just a frustrated old man. Anyhow, it wasn't a good afternoon.:-(
rrt. I feel your pain. A lot of my old sacred waters have suffered the same fate. The sport as it is now practiced has turned a lot of places into a real zoo. And the fishing has suffered. I'm more inclined to just take a walk or weed my garden these days. People can say what they want but the commercializing and marketing that infests every other aspect of our lives had also taken a toll on a lot of these beautiful places.
Im going to go with, since reading his posts on there, that he thinks Bill A is working for Donnie B.

LJ was losing it mentally over a decade ago on here.
It wasnt going to get better, im sure he is a pain but i would try not to speak ill of a guy that is mentally losing it due to age.
Donnie Beaver sounds like a fake name. So does Dick Crestwood. Maybe he belongs in some hall of fame of most despised anglers along with Ronnie Kittredge Trout Pro. By the way I went out in the mob scene yesterday. Watching guys flailing away I am convinced that a lot of the people who are clogging up the streams and parking are new to flyfishing. For those who think we need to promote the sport your wish is granted.
larkmark wrote:
Donnie Beaver sounds like a fake name. So does Dick Crestwood. Maybe he belongs in some hall of fame of most despised anglers along with Ronnie Kittredge Trout Pro. By the way I went out in the mob scene yesterday. Watching guys flailing away I am convinced that a lot of the people who are clogging up the streams and parking are new to flyfishing. For those who think we need to promote the sport your wish is granted.

All you need to do to confirm your theory is join the PA Fly Fish group on Facebook. There are what seems like daily posts "Hey thanks for the add I'm new to flyfishing and what streams should I fish around here and what flies should I use"
larkmark wrote:
By the way I went out in the mob scene yesterday. Watching guys flailing away I am convinced that a lot of the people who are clogging up the streams and parking are new to flyfishing. For those who think we need to promote the sport your wish is granted.

larkmark wrote:
I'm more inclined to just take a walk or weed my garden these days.

I started FFing in the womb too. Some people just don’t get guys like us.

Don’t let the poison ivy bite you in the butt while pulling your weeds. Maybe it already has? I’d much rather bump into someone new to FFing and trying to learn on the stream than someone being condescending of them for taking up something that they themselves enjoy. Sound a little silly? Some of you guys make going FFing for the afternoon out to be the equivalent of going to the dentist. Good thing weeds grow fast, I guess.

I think the pandemic is having at least some short term impact on the crowds. I saw an article in the mainstream news that people are taking up fishing as pastime because most states have allowed fishing as an acceptable social distancing activity. I suspect that bubble will burst when the pandemic passes. Still, I had plenty of room on popular sections of Penns and Spring this weekend.

For anyone who is actually advocating for privatization of water (pay to fish), I hope you draw the worst beat every Saturday out. (I don’t think you actually are rrt, just sounds like you had a bad happens.) I mostly small stream fish, and though it doesn’t happen often, sometimes someone else is fishing the stream I chose for the day. When that happens, I go somewhere else. Problem solved. When fishing Penns this weekend, two guys peaked their head around the corner, looking to fish the stretch I was on. They saw me, and (presumably) went somewhere else. Problem solved. Maybe one of them was you lark, and you saw my casting and went home to your weeds. Very possible.
^^^ Nailed it!!^^^
Very good Swattie...I couldn't find the words while being civil.
+1 Swattie.
I know i dont feel guilty having given away about a grand in my unused fly fishing equipment this year to newbies.

On a side note. Having way more time to fish and do chores around the farm i can confirm weeding your wifes garden buys fishing time.

I recommend spending the night before looking at maps.
You can certainly find places with no people. Its really not that hard.

As far as the little j. I never fish it really. Probably a map thing.
The pa fly fish chamber of commerce and jolly do gooder society have all weighed in. Here here.
Like to bring this one back up.

I got to tell you. Even though littlejuniata could not coherently talk to me and explain his position, he does have some IMO creditable thoughts that a flood in 1996 killed the bug population on this river by leaking pesticide from a building.

He thinks there was a big cover up. He might be right. I cant say but this jolly do gooder is wondering if any regulars have some insight to this.

Pretty hefty accusation.
sorry to say, nothing new here. It is well known that a flood caused a tank to leak pesticide (or other chemicals) into the river. Not sure where the cover up comes in. I think that part of it is the conspiratorial nature of the guy.
Even Joe Biden feels sorry for him
Thank you.

I wasnt aware i never fish the little j.

I think his thoughts and i say i think, are that the the pesticide s killed the bug life, then the 2010 survey was done at a time and place that got the PFBC to stop stocking fingerlings and was a weighted survey, now the fish are thin and small because of malnutrition. Also it allowed them to claim a comeback story. He also claims its needs the fingerling stock to bolster numbers up because the population is crashing . Also C&R is hurting the river..... :lol: whew!

I dont know how the cover up on the pesticides works in. I was trying to get that from him.

Trust me, if you read our conversation i think anyone can see he has lost it. Please dont think i subscribe to any of that. I just really wanted to give the guy a chance, i know how it can be to just be dismissed and that sucks , especially if he really has something to say.

So what happened then? Did the pesticide company get fined or anything?