Lititz Run Toad



Jan 6, 2014
I'm doing a part-time gig teaching chemistry at the Linden Hall girls school in Lititz. Kind of fun, actually, and close to Lititz Run, so I made plans to stop there yesterday, Friday March 21. My nephew is my regular fly-fishing companion and teacher, so he joined me--I had bought badges for both of us at the Donegal TU meeting. We both had never fished the lower stretch so we moved fast and covered ground. There were huge numbers of midges hatching and a few mayflies, but the trout weren't feeding very actively.

After multiple runs past a group of trout we could see in one pool with no bites, my nephew moved on and I tried a few casts to see if they preferred my flies. I immediately hooked into a very large brown trout that made several runs up and down the pool, capped with some impressive leaps. My rod was doubled over and I had very little room to play him and several large boulders to deal with. On his second or third leap he tail-danced and tossed the hook. Oh well.

After that I caught one large sucker and my nephew caught one large shiner as we worked up to the waterfall. There were two other people at the waterfall so went pretty far upstream past them and fished on. Shortly after that my nephew had a large brown attack and EAT his indicator. Ever the optimist, he immediately cast to the same spot and hooked what was almost undoubtedly the same fish. No leaping, just lots of pulling. After about 2-3 minutes the trout finally tired out and I netted it for him. Not as long as we thought--only a little over 17"--but a very thick and meaty toad of a trout. I grabbed a few quick shots and we released him back so we can meet again another day.

We fished back downstream and my nephew managed a big rainbow in a pool I had tossed about a dozen casts into. I had moved on so I missed it, but he said he must have run 40 casts through the same pool before it bit--it must have finally just gotten pissed off. Not a bad evening fishing. Too bad the stream smells faintly of sewer water from the plant upstream. :-(



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Nice! I was living in Lancaster for a year, and if I had been in the area longer I would definitely have looked into getting a badge for that section on of Lititz run. I've seen quite a few pictures of huge fish from there. I only ever fished the fly fishing only section, and rarely caught a fish - that section runs through some farmland, and is *really* tough. At least, it was for me.
Here I thought that I was going to be identifying a toad that some angler photographed on Lititz Run. First time that I ever heard of a fish, other than a toadfish, being referred to as a toad. What next in fly fishing's strange lingo?
Sounds like a wonderful time. That's a beautiful brown he caught. That fight you had with the jumping big boy of your own must have been a sight to see!
Tell me more about the badges...I like fishing the fly stretch but I felt as if it were pretty vacant.
Mike wrote:
Here I thought that I was going to be identifying a toad that some angler photographed on Lititz Run. First time that I ever heard of a fish, other than a toadfish, being referred to as a toad. What next in fly fishing's strange lingo?
Same here, imagine my disappointment.
sipe wrote:
Tell me more about the badges...I like fishing the fly stretch but I felt as if it were pretty vacant.

The badges are $20 each to members of the Donegal Trout Unlimited chapter. I believe there are a limited number of the badges available.

Chaz wrote:
Mike wrote:
Here I thought that I was going to be identifying a toad that some angler photographed on Lititz Run. First time that I ever heard of a fish, other than a toadfish, being referred to as a toad. What next in fly fishing's strange lingo?
Same here, imagine my disappointment.

Come on, there's no real challenge in identifying PA toads, plus a big trout is way more interesting. No need to be disappointed. :-D
If the water is stocked what is the badge for?
Chaz wrote:
If the water is stocked what is the badge for?

The badge is to fish the private Millport Conservancy. I believe the stocking there is private as well.

"Toad" is real common with Montana fishermen, especially

Here is a pretty comprehensive and handy list of fishing terms.
Just so everyone is clear. The Millport conservancy is a private conservancy. Anyone on the conservancy must either be a member of the conservancy or a member of Donegal TU and in possession of a badge. Any member fishing on the conservancy must have a badge which you can purchase for $20 through Donegal TU in order to fish. Only members of Donegal TU or the conservancy may purchase badges.

I am making the distinction because it is a privilege we enjoy through the conservancy. Most of Lititz Run is through private land please be respectful of this arrangement.

That said. Nice Fish!
Is the 20-spot tax deductible. If so, better call it a donation and drop the word "must."
have never had much luck in the lower ffo section. been fishing it 2 to 3 times a week since its 5 min from my house. looks like i need to get a badge since im already a member of donegal tu. Nice fish thanks for sharing
The lower section is harder to fish, but there are definitely fish there. I took a friend out, taught her how to to fly fish with a good drift and set the hook... 30 minutes later, and by herself she landed her first trout ever. Then proceeded to a new riffle and landed a second. They are there given enough patience and technique.
I'm still trying to figure the part about teaching job at an all girls school in a town with a name like Lititz.

FarmerDave wrote:
I'm still trying to figure the part about teaching job at an all girls school in a town with a name like Lititz.
I thought Farmers were into udder things than reasoning ?
Are any of these big browns wild or just holdover stockies?