line twisting



Active member
Jan 21, 2008
What are some remedies you use to get twisting out of your fly line?
Do you just let loose in the riffles? That has been my best solution.

...and how do you prevent twisting from occurring?

Just want to hear some of your prescriptions.

Figure out why it is twisting. I do not experience it often, but always attributed it to the fly. While dry fly fishing some very "wingy" flies have made my leader twist. Changed and re-designed flys to get rid of it. Maybe someone has experienced it more than I have.

I am rigging a 7wt for large streamers, and being a fan of furled leaders may consider buying one of these.
Noticed this when throwing larger flys on light tippet, 6x, 7x, I get the spins..Like JG mention, big ridged winged flys also add to this effect..As for getting them out? If the spins are real bad I'd just replace my tippet section all together, or cut and add in..
do the old divide fly size by three rule for tippet size , big fly small tippet = line twist . might be able to use a leader streightner on it but , just as easy to tie new on as sundrunk said
It sounds like David is talking about actual fly line, not tippet or leader.

I've never experienced this, but I'd find a nice, long riffle and let er rip for a bit, just to practice my double hauling. Afterward, I'd let it sit in the current for a while to untwist.

That's what I do, let it all out down stream..You may want to unwind the line on a winder, or a spent paper towel roll..Once you spin the line out on the winder, put it back on the reel, you should be ok after that...
Yes...the fly line itself, not the tippet or leader...
David, Are you fishing a weight forward line?
I've got twisting on a 5 wt WF of mine...but I also received a free used line with a used rod I bought, and it has twisting as well. It is a 9wt F/S 10' sink tip.
I am curious whether the sink tip could be your culprit, or at least be worsening the situation. Was your free line a floater?
What kind of reel are you fishing with these lines?
This is why I asked. We have discussed twisting tippet before and the problem is almost always using too much force on the forecast at the wrong time.

As for twisting line, I have never had this problem. The fact that it is a used line may be your best clue. It could be that someone stretched it as they re-spooled it during cleaning and the twist is the lines response to being stretched. But as I said this is something that would be new to me.
tomgamber wrote:
The fact that it is a used line may be your best clue. It could be that someone stretched it as they re-spooled it during cleaning and the twist is the lines response to being stretched. But as I said this is something that would be new to me.

But one of the lines with twisting is mine, not a used one (well, used by me, so I know it has been cared for.)
Using a strike indicator will cause this. :cool:
Could be a second. I've casted line seconds and they do weird things at times.
Not a second...the one I bought was a new cortland 444. On this one (the one I have owned since new) the twisting seems to primarily be at the length of normal casting range. That is, it is approximately 20-30 feet into the line. There isn't twisting at the terminal end, but when I have a cast out with loose coils at my feet, the coils will start to twist.

The sink tip might be a second, but he had a box top attached. It's a WF AirCel Hi-D Bass Bug - Saltwater wet tip...

The one that I have owned is on a ross evolution.

Clearly your reel is causing the problem. I can take it off your hands if you want.
David I've had the same experience but only on one occasion. I have 1 WFF 4 Cortland 555 that since I spooled onto my reel has been nothing but a coiling nightmare. I've tried everything from stretching the line to letting it dangle in the current for 10 minutes to just pulling it off the reel in large loops and letting it sit for a while. Nothing has worked to permanently get rid of the coiling.

I just chalked it up to a bad line as I've never had the issue on any other lines I own. Not sure if something more specific caused it or not. It also was not a second.