Line replacement



Aug 4, 2009
New guy here. Just wondering if someone out there can give some advice on how often I should be replacing my 5 wt. fly line and backing. I currently don't clean it or wipe if down as I probably should. I bought the line and backing in 1994...but its still catching fish.
your pulling our legs-lol
I guess I should say it sat unused on the reel until this summer. I did change out the leader/tippet but left the fly line and backing.
If you do decide to replace it has some real nice line for $35.00 can't beat it. It's manufactured by one of the bigger companies but labeled as there own.
I usually clean mine twice a year. Just take if off the spool and run it through soapy water and wipe it all down. No need to replace it unless you are looking to do different kinds of fishing, like floating vs. sinking or whatever. That stuff should last forever.

Although I never have, it's probably not a bad idea to replace the backing every few years.
Thanks for the replies. I should make a point of cleaning the line and inspecting the backing.