Line loop



Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Montgomery County, Pa
Why did I read somewhere it's not advised to tie a perfection knot on to your fly line? And how/why would it be any different than a factory loop on the line?
I wouldn't be surprised if this has something to do with the friction.

If you want to make you non-looped line into a line for loop-to-loop connections you could do what I do. Just take a beefy piece of mono and tie it to the end of you fly line with an Albright knot and then tie your perfection loop on to the end of that mono. Works well.
I put perfection loops in all my lines and leader butts that don't come with a loop.

I've never had one slip or anything else weird happen.
wsender wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if this has something to do with the friction.

If you want to make you non-looped line into a line for loop-to-loop connections you could do what I do. Just take a beefy piece of mono and tie it to the end of you fly line with an Albright knot and then tie your perfection loop on to the end of that mono. Works well.
Do you then attach leader to the mono, or your tippet?
smallie wrote:
wsender wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if this has something to do with the friction.

If you want to make you non-looped line into a line for loop-to-loop connections you could do what I do. Just take a beefy piece of mono and tie it to the end of you fly line with an Albright knot and then tie your perfection loop on to the end of that mono. Works well.
Do you then attach leader to the mono, or your tippet?

The little bit of mono that is Albright knotted to my line is only about 3 inches long. So I just take my regular leader and loop to loop from that piece.

Hope that clears it up, if not, let me know and I'll post a pic.
I've done a few methods, leader nailknotted, a butt nailknotted, a furled butt with multiple, individual nailknots to bind it, welded loop, whipped loop.

I'm satisfied and settled on loops. I'll use the welded ones til they look nasty, then cut them and do a whipped loop.

Didn't like the Amnesia butt, felt kinda weird and I like to imagine there's hinging. The furled butt felt and looked great, but collected gunk. Didn't like the leader directly nailed.
I'd think a perfection loop in the fly line would be quite a large knotand would be difficult to pull of the tip top and through the guides. Most people use a nail knot or loop connector.
Chaz you are right. It is quite large, but I don't pull my leader through the tip top. I think it's a bad idea with any knot.

For me the benefits of being able to change leaders on stream without tying a new knot far out weight not being able to pull my leader through the tip top.

Plus I use oversized tip tops on all my rods.
I like to use a short piece of heavy mono like Maxima and nail knot to the fly line, then tie a small perfection loop on the mono close to the nail knot.
MKern wrote:
Chaz you are right. It is quite large, but I don't pull my leader through the tip top. I think it's a bad idea with any knot.

For me the benefits of being able to change leaders on stream without tying a new knot far out weight not being able to pull my leader through the tip top.

Plus I use oversized tip tops on all my rods.
Exactly what I was thinking, and I agree. Even using the Albright knot the line still has a loop in it, so I don't see using a perfection knot being much different. A perfection knot can actually be made fairly small if you're carefull. I just can't seem to be able to do a nail knot. My fingers don't cooperate.
Nail Knot.