Line Cleaning/ Dressing



Jan 11, 2011
Getting ready to clean my seven and eight weight lines for our upcoming Boundary Waters trip. My normal procedure is just some dish soap and a rag. Anybody do anything different?

Additionally, what is everyone's preferred line dressing. I previously used Rio's Agent X but just discovered the bottle is totally dried up.


There was an Orvis podcast with a guy from Scientific Anglers that designs lines. He recommended soap and water, and nothing else, not even any kind of treatment afterwards. He said the anti friction technology with todays lines will perform better longer without adding anything because the additives make the line pick up and hold more dirt so they need cleaned more often.

The guy fishes and posts on the north american fly fishing forum so he is legit.
I use another approach for the past 5 years that has really extended my fly line life and performance.


(1) Strip out the fly line into loose loops into a clean sink or bucket.

(2) Soak the fly line with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. It is non-toxic and really permeates the line by the oxidation / bubble reaction. Deep cleans the line and removes the embedded grit, dirt, algae, etc.

(3) Run and dry the fly line through a clean cloth.

(4) I apply Umpqua Glide Line Dressing.

Works like a champ.

I use Ivory bar soap. Enough suds to do a good hand wash job. A bar is probably still under a buck. Use a micro fiber rag to get filth off as you wind back on reel.. Low Tech.
One should use a mild soap like Ivory. More aggressive detergents can affect the finish on the line.
I think the best way to keep lines clean is to do regular maintenance. I find that any line that already looks dirty, or is sinking, or not flowing through the guides smoothly is already too far gone and cleaning at that point has marginal and short lived effect on performance.
I use the mild soap and water method described above.

There was a product called "Zip Cast" that worked great, but they are out of business now.
Applying silicone paste dressing or Armor All to the maximum castable (for me) length of line. Pull it through a cloth or paper towel as many times needed to clean it off. Bear in mind that I don't use it as often as I'd like to, so it doesn't get too dirty.