Like the New Home Page



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
I'd like to commend Dave etc for the new format for the home page displaying articles and interviews. This is a nice addition and well done. Personally, I visit this site mostly for the forum but these articles add a new attraction. I've thought, for some time that, considering the expertise of so many who post here, that an article page would be a welcome addition. Does Paflyfish envision allowing forum members to submit article drafts and, if so, what are the conditions? Again, another improvement to an already super site!
Hi FI,

Thank you for the feedback. I am trying to create some more dynamic and current information on the home page in a blog style. I think it adds more to the site and community.

Yes I would like the blog to be open to more contributers. I was talking to Pad, Maurice and Jack about this and was going to announce in the forum that very topic.

I also was going to take the temperature of the forum about moving some topics from the forum and put them into the blog. I find many important items in the that others who don't spend a lot of time in the forum would really enjoy.

In general I would like to provide more news, interviews, gear reviews and tips in the blog.



I would like to second what Fish is saying! And I think the ideas you just shared would be a great addition to an already awesome site! Thanks for all your time and effort,(goes for the mods also!) this my goto site!

I go straight to the forum page and never read the home page.
Nice! I will be sure to check out the home page when I enter the site.
I would think that - on a limited basis - PaFlyfish could certainly handle some articles submitted by "regular" posters (similar to the help rec'd from this same crew on the stream map page). How to define "regular" poster might prove to be a bit of a bug in the ointment but I think it would be fair to define this as someone who's been on the site for at least a year or two and has, maybe, 100 or so posts. I still don't understand the star system assigned by the poster's name but I'm assuming it has something to do with number of posts or some other form of seniority. Writers/experts with name recognition like Charlie Meck or Joe Humphrys or similar types would be a different issue of course. Heck, we've got guys like OldLefty or firandfeather who are already pretty well known in the PA FFing community.
Anyway, members could submit a digital manuscript (maybe some supporting photos) to the moderators or a designated review committe who would then edit/approve the article for publication. Potential articles would need some word number size cap and max number of photos. Maybe start with one article per month. Personally, I'd really enjoy an article by salvalinusfontanalis on packing for a brookie trip - or an article by Bruno or Tomgamber about fishing around Pittsburgh; or JayL, JackM, and Albatross on what to expect for the first time guy going to Erie. The possibilities are endless if our resident experts are willing to write this stuff.
At any given time, I've usually got a few drafts of articles that I'm trying to get published either on the web or in conventional print media. My guess is there are some other guys who like to write and would welcome this opportunity. I think this might be worth a try.
I think user-contributors is a great idea, but the one downside is that someone or group has to decide what is "good enough" to be published. Whoever that task falls to will be in a position of possibly creating hard feelings if the authors work wasn't deemed worthy. While I would sit on a committee and cast a vote in a crowd, I wouldn't want to have that responsibility alone or in a group too small to have reasonable cover.
I see your point and understand. A possible way around this would be to have the review committee an essentially anonymous entity comprised of, say, 6 or 8 guys who would vote on acceptance. Of course, the other route would be to contract this out to a professional editor and, down the road, that might be the ideal game plan. But it seems to me that there's a considerable amount of native talent posting on this site and, especially if cost is a concern, adequate editing could be accomplished. I'd be willing to serve on this committee.
I think Dave is generally in favor of something like this. I'm sure he'll comment soon.
JackM wrote:
I think user-contributors is a great idea, but the one downside is that someone or group has to decide what is "good enough" to be published. Whoever that task falls to will be in a position of possibly creating hard feelings if the authors work wasn't deemed worthy. While I would sit on a committee and cast a vote in a crowd, I wouldn't want to have that responsibility alone or in a group too small to have reasonable cover.

You mean like being a moderator? :-D
I am certainly open to having people add to the blog on the home page. I am very interested in folks who can write an object review on some fly fishing gear. Well it does not have to be that objective.

The idea of a committee is sounds formal for right now. I do encourage you send me a PM if you are interested in adding something. Let's see if we can try something out.

I have had several request from Pa Fly Guides to participate in the site. This would be a spot we could work something out.

Tell the guides to take me on a free trip and I'll write an objective review!!! :)
Dave, Jack, Pad & Maurice...I commend each of you for recent changes made to the homepage and for your continued efforts making this one of the best places on the net! Keep up the great work. The home page content & stream map project are fantastic, and of course the forums here are second to none. Thanks for keeping everything in line.

I too like the idea of having board members contribute to writing on the home page. Not sure of all the particulars of how that would work, but I think it could be a very interesting idea.

I really liked the Landis interview, stuff like that is just great! I'd love to see more interviews with industry greats! Another forum I have frequented has had similar interviews with industry leaders and what was interesting was that questions asked during the interview were submitted by the forum members. Not that I don't like your writing or format, just throwing something else out there if you're in the mood to mix it up.

I also like the notion of using gear reviews, how to tie favorite or new patterns, interviews with guides on tips, how to's etc.

Just food for thought. I really like the direction the PAFLYFISH is going and want to commend you and thank you for your time and efforts! Keep up the great work!
Hi Jay,

Glad you are enjoying the additions. I will keep it up. I have traded emails with Dwight over the years and was delighted to start our interviews with someone I respected so much.

I look forward to adding more. My only limitation is getting connected to some of the folks you might like to hear from. If you have ideas with connections that would be great.

If anyone feels they want to take a stab at some gear reviews or knows some of the manufactures please let me know.


Started flyfishing last year and loved it. I would love to find someone who wouldn't mind if I tagged along on occasion. I have only fished Clarks Creek and Stoney Creek. Sunday was the fist time I was on Stoney Creek and I didn't have much luck. I was fishing Wooly Buggers. I am not a total beginner but have a lot to learn.
Another possible evolution to this site might be a page where folks, (esp some of the many new guys learning to FF who have been joining this site like 1travis), could announce their intent to fish a certain water on a certain date. It could be labeled "Upcoming Trips" or something like that. This might allow for coordination of car pooling or just an opportunity to say "hi" to a fellow boardmember. Maybe after the date/time passes the thread could be deleted or archived just to keep that board "clean" with only upcoming fishing trips. Not being a web savvy guy, I don't know how much work an addition like this might be. Perhaps another way would be a "favorites" on the PM function whereby a poster could email a list of buddies regarding fishing trips (maybe this function already exists and I haven't figured it out).