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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006

Neat links - thanks. Hopefully things will continue to improve on the Skuke and the surrounding watershed. The list of fish species passing through the fish count in 2006 was interesting. There were a handful of trout every year. I wonder if the Skuke had a viable sea run brown trout population back before 1821?
Fishidiot wrote:
Neat links - thanks. Hopefully things will continue to improve on the Skuke and the surrounding watershed. The list of fish species passing through the fish count in 2006 was interesting. There were a handful of trout every year. I wonder if the Skuke had a viable sea run brown trout population back before 1821?

I'd say it would be more likely to be a sea run brookie fishery. I always thought brownies weren't introduced until the late 1800's. Either way, I always keep my eye on sea run anything populations. As I understand it there are a few sea run brownie streams in Jersey and I think maybe Delaware. I've always wanted to go explore some of those. If a Skuke run would be established I could just go park myself below the dam by Cabelas in December and see what's around, maybe even hit a trout stream that feeds into the Skuke. I've always been fascinated by the idea that our local stream's connection to the ocean used to be a two way street and hope someday to be able to fish for shad and whatever else comes up in my back yard.

Upon looking at the PDF for '04-'06, I have to ask. What do they mean by "hybrid trout"? Tigers? There are a lot more of those coming up than brownies. Weird.

Oopps. Yeah, you're right - there wouldn't have been browns until the late 1800s, decades after the dam was built. As for NJ, they started a sea run brown trout program about a 12 years ago in the Manasquan River, which is a fairly short, tidal river in center state that flows directly into the Atlantic. The program has been succesful although hasn't amounted to what some had hoped. Some decent fish, usually over 20 inches and heavy, come out of the river every year. Up in New England, sea run brown trout populations are still fairly common. I'll be FFing coastal Maine next week and there is a river where I fish stripers and in which they get brown trout every year. Although I've yet to get a brown from the beach, I think that would be really cool. There are some sea run brookies up there too but apparently not in the river/beaches I like to fish. I've always wondered how far south viable populations of sea run trout, both brown and brook, existed in the modern era (roughly post 1700). I don't know of any sea run brown trout populations today south of the Manasquan River.
I wondered about the "hybrid" trout too. Maybe they are using that term for trout other than browns - or that couldn't be verified as browns (?). I was also surprised to see no tiger muskies.
I think they stocked Steelies and Chinook in the Raritan a dozen or so years back, but haven't been able to find too much info that was helpful.

I often fish fairmount, and occasionally check the ladder cam out.

Thanks for the link, fred. It had been a while since I checked it.

I saw footage of an otter in the ladder some time ago, and it was fascinating.
I think I just saw a mountain lion on the webcam. My aunt's brother-in-law's neighbor said they are good swimmers and can hold their breath for hours.
JackM wrote:
I think I just saw a mountain lion on the webcam. My aunt's brother-in-law's neighbor said they are good swimmers and can hold their breath for hours.

I saw the same thing, but I think it was a bobcat. :-D

Your fish cam doesn't update. It shows the exact same image over and over even when the page is reloaded.
SWeiss wrote:
Your fish cam doesn't update. It shows the exact same image over and over even when the page is reloaded.

yup, you should ask for your money back... ;-)
There is a nice run of sea runs in the delaware, some over 10 lbs. none of these rivers had a sea run or even trout in the lower reaches before man planted fish. water has been always to warm histoically.there are BIG tigers in both rivers some as long as your arm..


  • TigerTroutBB2a.jpg
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I asked them about that. They said they couldn't afford to get the cam to work correctly so I shouldn't expect a refund either.
Looks like the camera is working so far all I can see is a stick :-D
Either there's a fresh run of sticks, or I see the same one every picture lol.

the camera does seem to be working now though.
LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • LionTrout.JPG
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Really??? no one thought this was remotely funny??? I spent several minutes on this masterpiece.

I thought Jack would atleast have my back after his hilarious comment above.
It would involve jail time, but if I had a proper scuba tank, I could go through that ladder and give you all the finger within about ten minutes from now.

I will stay late at work to watch.

I believe if you approach from upstream it will be the 4th section. then look right.

Someone should put a PAFF.com waterproof sticker on the glass or something else that is awesome. hahaha.