Let's talk lead.



Active member
Apr 8, 2007
When y'all apply split shot to the line, just how much are we talking about?

I've got a box of wee little ones, but it seems like they're too small. I actually picked up a set of BB sized from the regular tackle, as I know that's what the steelheaders prefer, but that's almost too much it seems.

So, what size(s) do you carry?
I use the "Water Gremlin" ones (with the ears) in size B (very small) and BB (pretty small). I pretty much gave up on micro shot, because they are difficult to put on, and almost impossible to take off. I use "Tungsten Tacky Weight" instead of micro shot.

And NO.......the ears have never made my fly or tippet spin, or hang up on the bottom like some claim. I've been using them for many years.
I carry a wheel of various micro shot, and a small package of water gremlin BBs.

If I'm not ticking bottom within the first few seconds of the drift, I'll add more. There are spots on bigger streams like penns where I've used two or three BB shot.

Afish's tungsten tacky weight is good stuff. I've tried to buy it twice, and the stuff I got sucked. It was hard, and would not stay on the tippet.

I've been meaning to ask you afish... where do you get it? Also, where do you get the B water gremlins? I almost never see them anywhere these days.
B's and BB's...Had the same pack for years. They occasionally end up in the same pile as the change my wife finds in the laundry...I probably have enough in the front pocket of my waders to refill the original bag.
Fair enough, I thought I had a pack of B sized somewhere, too, but perhaps not.

So you guys are using the BB sized ones vs the microshot, which I have and seem to only ever jump right to the biggest ones in the wheel anyways.

Rumour has it the earless ones open up if you pinch them perpendicular to the groove, instead of with it. That never works for me, either.

Tacky weight, one of those things I only ever think of when I'm here and not in a store.
I carry a winged watergremlin variety pack and use those for the most part... usually BB. I like getting my flies in the zone as fast as possible. Sometimes I find water where those small flyfishing shot can be useful, but I'll usually just go to a weighted fly first.
jayL wrote:
I carry a wheel of various micro shot, and a small package of water gremlin BBs.

If I'm not ticking bottom within the first few seconds of the drift, I'll add more. There are spots on bigger streams like penns where I've used two or three BB shot.

[color=990000]Afish's tungsten tacky weight is good stuff. I've tried to buy it twice, and the stuff I got sucked. It was hard, and would not stay on the tippet.[/color]


I just broke out a new batch a few weeks ago and I had the same problem. Maybe it's a manufacturing/QC problem, or perhaps it doesn't "age" well, I don't know.
I carry a shot wheel and it has 1, 2, 4, 6 all smaller than a B.

I however, weight my flies so sometimes a 6 is all I need to make the difference.
I try to stay small. The microshot are every bit as good at sinking nymphs as a beadhead. I like several of the tiny ones sometimes, depending upon the location. My preference is for Dinsmore, dimpled. I don't use them on dry flies at all. :cool:
I tend to use the microshot, usually multiples of the bigger ones. They are a pain to take off. On big fast water, I will occasionally go to bb sized used by baitfishers.
I'm with pcray... I use the micros, but usually end up taking my bottom fly off to get them off the line and have some smaller winged bb's for a little bit bigger weight. I use some monster bb's for steelhead, but that's a different story. I put weight on about 90% of my nymphs to help take care of this problem. The more weight on my nymphs, the less I have to weight my line. I can hear my nymphs thud when I drop them in my container after I tie them up.
I like Dinsemore shot too. The dimple allows you to use your fingernail to pry them open, making it easy to take shot on and off, compared to other split shot brands I have tried.

I carry a shot wheel with sizes from #AB to #6 (I think). I use the #BBs, #1s, and #4s most often.
I buy the "Super Doux" shot selections as it's the best that my local shop carries. The shot is easy to pinch and stays put. I use mostly the 4's and 6's but the smaller sizes are usefull, particularly for dry/dropper rigs, small flies just under the surface, etc.

I've used Dinsmore but don't like light weight of the tin shot and I don't like the ones covered in that green crap either. They don't hold the tippet well in my opinon and I even crimp them with pliers.

For larger shot I use Watergremlin. I also like the new non-toxic shot that they have. It's pretty shiny but it grabs the line well and has more than enough weight to it.

I don't use it often but there is probably 30lbs of it in my vest , everything from soft lead (like putty) , to various size shot to strips to lead core trolling line to use for sink tips and on and on and , i weight alot of my sub surface flies when i'm tying them so to answer this question as honestly as i can i gotta say that constant adjustment of the weight and placement of the weight is critical to success with sub-surface imitations , be willing to adjust when you need to , i know it's a hassle but if you at least lean (not because of the 30lbs of lead in your vest) in that direction , constant evaluation and adjustment of the weight will pay off.
Since this thread started I picked up water gremlin BB shot and also 1/128th micro and have been experimenting. Between the 2 sizes I really can't see myself needing anything else.
These days I'm pretty much only using tungsten putty. I haven't had the same issues as jayl and afish with it.
JasonS wrote:
These days I'm pretty much only using tungsten putty. I haven't had the same issues as jayl and afish with it.


I would guess I put my micro shot container in the rear pocket of my pack about 3 seasons ago - TP worked great! Hopefully I just got a bad batch. I hate messing with small shot.
We'll see how it works out, I had a bag of BBs from before plus the microshot wheel.. Today I've added a little container of the tungsten putty.
I used to use a lot of B lead shot with the little wings for removal. But my local fly shop quit selling it and now sells only lead substitute, which is fine because I want to move to non-lead anyway.

But none of the lead substitute shot they sell has the little removal wings. Is such a product available?

I tried pinching the sides of the shot with the pliers to remove the shot. Either that doesn't really work, or I'm using incorrect technique. Any tips on removing shot?
troutbert wrote:
I used to use a lot of B lead shot with the little wings for removal. But my local fly shop quit selling it and now sells only lead substitute, which is fine because I want to move to non-lead anyway.

But none of the lead substitute shot they sell has the little removal wings. Is such a product available?

I tried pinching the sides of the shot with the pliers to remove the shot. Either that doesn't really work, or I'm using incorrect technique. Any tips on removing shot?


Like you, I use the shot with "ears" for easy removal. Size "B" is my staple size, and I use the larger size "BB" for real deep, fast water.

I've read tips on how to remove shot without the ears. Supposedly you pinch them with pliers or hemos opposite of the slot (not with the slot as when you pinch it on to tighten it). Supposedly that opens it enough to allow removal. It has never really worked for me very well, so I opt for the ears on my shot. As I have written above, my flies don't spin, and they don't hang up with the ears like some will tell you.

I believe that "Water Gremlin" makes non-lead shot with "ears". You can find the lead and non-lead ones at ****'s Sporting Goods.