Let's see your fly tying boxes


Sep 23, 2020
Though many have an entire room to store their fly tying stuff, some of us have to tie when we can. Mobility and flexibility is the byward. I remember they used to sell nice looking portable wooden fly tying boxes that could hold a fair amount of materials. I've tried finding someone selling theirs, but no luck. I'd like to see photos of your portable fly tying boxes, whether purchased or homemade. Go:
I think portable fly tying desks and boxes are a thing of the past With the possible exception of guys who tie at the tying shows that I do not attend. They are just to big clunky and heavy and there is no need to carry much. Pre-covid I would go to a monthly tying get together and nobody had tying boxes. I personally use an old soft sided laptop case that looks like any other soft laptop case. They hold plenty of material and tying tools. Otherwise, I have an entire basement at my disposal.
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I think portable fly tying desks and boxes are a thing of the past With the possible exception of guys who tie at the tying shows that I do not attend. They are just to big clunky and heavy and there is no need to carry much. Pre-covid I would go to a monthly tying get together and nobody had tying boxes. I personally use an old soft sided laptop case that looks like any other soft laptop case. They hold plenty of material and tying tools. Otherwise, I have an entire basement at my disposal.
^ +1

I've been using a laptop case for a long time and it works great for a mobile tying kit. Use clear plastic ziplock bags for materials and the pockets for tools and do-dads. Plus most people have a retired laptop case sitting in the closet. Give it a try.
As far as mobility in the home most people just use totes and other plastic bins/boxes with secure lids. Tupperware is king in homes with non dedicated tying areas. They not only keep things organized and hidden but they also keep the bugs and pets out.
Covid-19 gave me the excuse to fix up my tying area. It’s a small area in my basement. I have never had the urge to tie while traveling.
I have room set up for fly tying. My materials are stored in drawers with plastic boxes or zip lock bags. I need to straighten it up before the winter tying season begins.
I don't usually tote my fly tying stuff around. My salt water club usually has a table at the NJ fly fishing shows. I have a large Craftsman tool box that I use to carry my vise and tying materials. The trays in the lid hold my tools, hooks, thread etc. Sometimes, if I'm feeling ambitious I carry a tote bag for extra materials.
My father in law made this in college (roughly 1970). He gave it to me when I started tying about 10 years ago. I now have a desk and all the stuff that goes with it, and my 10 year old son uses it now.


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