Letort-what do I NEED TO KNOW?

I'll be there in a few weeks/months I'm getting my act together fishing spring creek a couple times a week.
'twas a decent day out there yesterday....good enough olive hatch really took off around 1:30-2ish, brought 6 to hand between noon and three and stung a few others shaking off the rust. Also saw 2 or 3 stoneflies flitting across the water, but the trouts showed no interest, they were zoned in on the little olives.

Which section? They crushed the stones at shady from 4 PM on.
Best action I had was up around 81, olive hatch tapered off shortly past three and was feeling the need for lunch. Only stones I saw were the two, maybe three that caught my eye and drifted by unmolested, don't know if they turned on later in the afternoon. I had my feet up and a belly full of chili by 4:00...
That's kinda what I figured. We fished the whole way from Shady to above post and then back down. We didnt see olives until around 4.

I was talking to Derek about sometimes if you drive upstream to the Heritage area you can find olives when they aren't on the lower stretches.

Looks like that's what we should have done.