Letort weekend--hoppers? ants? or subsurface?



Sep 4, 2009
Anyone out recently? Any action on top? Might also hit big spring but haven't had a lot of luck there in years past.
Beetles and sculpins. All you need
Sculpins huh? Even when its this clear? Do you drift then or retrieve?
Letort fish, like many of the Cumberland Valley trout, are mainly bottom feeders, hogging up on scuds, cress bugs, and sculpins. This is true throughout the year.

However, this time of year you can definitely have some luck with terrestrials. This is esp true as weeds and grass are very thick this time of year and subsurface presentations can be tricky (there are some solutions if you practice at it). Surface stuff is a bit easier. It's a bit early for hoppers - I like 'em better in Aug/Sep - but they are out and others on this forum have had success with them lately. Crickets are good too.

Yes even when it's clear. Avoid trying to fish for fish laying mid channel. Throw long distances along weed beds and cover. Twitch them back to you. Fishing for fish that are hiding is easier than going for ones that can see you. Instant mix for success. Good luck!

P.s beetles are more fun
Thanks for the tips guys. This stream drives me crazy. Fished from 6:30-8 pm. Picked up a few, but nothing big and nothing on top. Tried an ant and a beetle along the banks with no luck. Switched to subsurface midges and scuds in whatever moving water I could find. Much easier, but not how I was hoping to fish.
Wildfish wrote:
This stream drives me crazy. Fished from 6:30-8 pm. Picked up a few, but nothing big and nothing on top.

I'd consider that a pretty good day on Letort.

You adapted to the tough conditions and caught fish.