Letort Spring Run



Apr 24, 2014
Hi All,

I want to fish the Letort next week. Can anyone tell me how it is fishing? This will be my first time on this stream. I am planning on fishing the heritage section early in the morning.


Always a good decision to fish Letort - it's a pilgrimage that eastern FFers should do (an not just once). The section you will be visiting can be seen in my avatar (this is typical of most of the heritage section).

It's fishing fine. Spawning probably hasn't started yet. Grass is still high but starting to brown and drop. My usual advice to Letort newbies is to understand that Letort fish lay low, are very hard to see, and don't rise much. It's good to work your way out into a meadow and just sit and watch the stream for awhile and you will eventually see some fish. Some BWOs or midges may be around and terrestrials will be viable also. Scuds and cress bugs can fool subsurface feeders. Newbies to Letort should watch their step as the meadows are soggy and there are mucky spots. A wading staff is useful for probing soft spots in the meadows.

There are many threads on this site that cover fishing Letort, try take a look at them (if you haven't already done so)
Your advise is much appreciated. I am truly looking forward to this. I have always wanted to fish the Letort for many years since reading Ed Shenk's book. I wear out more waders due to fishing on my knees which seems to be the norm anymore. I will give this stream the upmost of respect it truly deserves and leave it the way I found it if not better.

Thanks again,

Fish the undercut banks. Letort fish typically aren't hanging out in the open. Strip or drift a streamer along the undercuts and along the cress beds. Stay out of the stream if at all possible - for your own safety and for fishing success. There are some monsters in that creek, but they're wary.
Thanks for the suggestion. That was exactly my game plan.

I fished or I should say nymphed the fastest broken water the first time I fished it- afforded a less stealthy approach (aka mistakes) with scuds and PT. I caught fish on my first visit and was thrilled. It's not the pinnacle of the craft - like throwing a terrestrial perfectly into place or anything but I was thrilled.

Recommend jigging a slump buster near the banks or other hiding places. Pretty wild to see what happens.

I also fished to several risers on olives- no more difficult than many other streams but they were smaller fish. Not skippers like Mairice catches. Hee

Good luck. I fished more downstream.

Fished up thru on Saturday, hit the water about 7:45ish in the a.m., turned to head home around noon after reaching the upper duck ponds. Picked up a couple decent fish (14"ish) on top on an ant. Skipped a lot of water because of the ducks, hard to be stealthy when you spook a dozen ducks into flight only to land 200yds upstream. Saw some decent fish near the spawning beds around Bonnybrook, always a pleasing sight but not necessarily on redds yet, definitely gave them their space regardless. So I'd say it's been fishing well, but with this cold snap rolling thru this wknd, not sure what effect that'll have short term...
Thanks all, much appreciated
Well tomorrow's the day. I plan on fishing Letort in the morning, Big Spring following Letort, then Falling Springs Branch on the way home.

This is going to be cool!
Best of luck to ya tomorrow. And just a heads up, I was at falling springs yesterday and the rainbows were spawning in the area I was at, so if possible give them some space in those areas if you encounter them.

I always leave the spawning fish alone. Now the fish eating the eggs below them, that's a different story ;)
Please see my fishing report. I had a super time. What a beautiful stream.

Big Spring next